Thinking About Selling Dp4, Other options? |
Sun 15 Aug 2004, 14:37

Group: Members
Posts: 79
Joined: 25-Jan 04
From: Blackpool - UK
Member No.: 34,025

re Digital Performer I'm just about to ascend the learning curve of DP4, to say nothing of the daunting prospect of various N.I. softsynths etc I've bought in anticipation of the arrival of my G5 and Kurzweil master keyboard, with its encyclopediiac sized PDF manuals; so I'm going to spend an awfully long time head buried in manuals, tearing my hair out, suffering throbbing headaches and generally cocking everything up for months to come! So I dont really understand why you want to change your sequencer from DP if you 've been using it for 10 years, know it pretty well, and it allows you to do the tasks you mention. I've been out of the electronic music scene for nearly twenty years and the capabilities of the new fangled midi softsynths etc is staggering, if rather daunting to my old pre midi brain anyway. I think you'll find that ALL the popular sequencers are incredibly powerful these days, offering a huge number of obscure functions which you or I might never use, let alone understand!, but I suppose it's nice to have them there if you feel a bit adventurous one day:-) So I wouldnt worry about feeling that you're not using *every* single function it offers in your recording projects. I'm sure I won't comprehend, or feel the need for a good many of the more esoteric sound mangling things my new kit is capable of producing....for instance, I'm not even sure if Ill need any drums for most of my music, despite my now having a vast resource of bangs and crashes at my disposal!!
If you really want to switch I think some of the big names like Logic and Cubase do 'entry level' packages with a suite of bundled soft instruments which seem pretty good value. You'll have to work out if you'll get enough dosh for a new sequencer by selling your DP. You may be better keeping it incase you miss its familiarity. I think Cubase and probably Logic may offer a crossgrade from your present '"competing product" sequencer, in your case DP, I know MOTU offer a good discount if your moving the other way. Tp mix metaphors the grass may seem greener, but if it aint broke dont fix it :-) regards John
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