Audiophile2496,mac Osx, disruption |
Wed 4 Feb 2004, 14:49

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From: Karlsruhe - DE
Member No.: 32,005

Do you use the midiport of your card? If yes, then unplugg your midicable and restart your audiosoftware and the clicks and pops are gone... its a known problem of all Midiman-DSP-Cards under OSX. Use an USB Midi-Interface instead and everything works fine Rolf
Wed 4 Feb 2004, 20:48

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Its a G4 1.25gh dual. have done the buffer change. If its any more useful- the Korg is connected via the Midi ports on the sound card, but all else goes through audio in the mixer. The Korg is mainly set to local control off.
Fri 6 Feb 2004, 00:22

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Thanks for that advice, just tried that(if i did it right)quite a novice, the noise still happened, strangely it is only when the keyboard is on- and the best i can describe it is sounding like a pneumatic drill. I have been thinking about changing the whole soundcard set-up for a while. Would you recommend any one thing in particular that would work well with my set up? Or am i missing something more obvious on the Korg side or midi set up? Your advice is appreciated.
Tue 10 Feb 2004, 08:19

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From: Wedel - DE
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Might be obvious but make sure that the settings in the M-Audio Delta Control Panel are correct as well as in Logic. Check that you have the latest driver and if the problem remains contact M-Audio. I have found them very helpful in resolving an issue I had with the 2496 a year ago (which led to the release of a new driver :-))
Good Luck!
Tue 24 Feb 2004, 11:36

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From: Karlsruhe - DE
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believe me: you have to unplugg EVERYTHING from the Midiport of your DeltaCard!! Don't use the Midiport of that Card and your problems are gone! Use an USB Midi-Interface instead! thats the only way to work with a DeltaCard and OSX. (i used a 2496 and now i use a 1010 - both the same problem)
Tue 24 Feb 2004, 11:53

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From: Wedel - DE
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what kind of problems using the midiports on the deltas did you have? i have been using them for over a year now without any trouble.
Wed 25 Feb 2004, 18:45

Group: Members
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From: Karlsruhe - DE
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Clicks and pops and sometimes the whole audiosignal stuttered. i found other people with the same problem and they told me to unplugg everything from the midiport of the deltacard. i did it, used my USB-Midi-interface and everything worked. Maybe it's also a problem of the Mac-Hardware i have? i use a dual 867 Quicksilver... Me, i would not buy another M-Audio Product for a Mac. did you ever tried to get some helpful answer from their support as a mac-User? i think its better to invest in professionell equipment like Motu...
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