Using The Digi002 Live... Anyone? |
Wed 17 Sep 2003, 02:27

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From: New York - US
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anyone in here using the Digi002 in a live situation, not recording, but playback and performance?
im currently using my 001, and its working fine, but i'd love to take my G4 Tower out of my rack and give it a rest... Powerbooks are looking cheaper these days...
i use the 001 mic pre's as my bass input (direct out to a sans amp --> GK kick back) and logic runs samples and beats... with a click output to the drummer... and my keyboard controller triggering my modules... and the mc-909 triggering patches and such. songs get louded up in logic and all program changes get sent to the units
to this day (knock on wood) there have been no glitches or fuck ups... if i can get the same performance out of a 002 im there.. anyone?
Sat 20 Sep 2003, 23:36

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Posts: 7
Joined: 17-Sep 03
From: New York - US
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i guess im the only crazy person willing to use it live.. hehe
i'll go for it... it cant hurt
Mon 22 Sep 2003, 03:01

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I really plan on using the Digi 002 Rack live at some point, same with guy down the street with 002 Mix...he's hitting the road with it. I just saw Seal on morning news, his keyboardist/programmer was using a tower, cinema display...crazy. Some one should tell him about laptops!
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