Tue 31 Jul 2001, 15:01

Group: Members
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From: Houston
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I have about 20 songs (all given to me by the bands who recorded them, if you are wondering). I would like to make them a uniform volume and 'pump them up' as much as possible. I have a couple of ideas about how to do this (and I'm pretty far along with one method) but I know there must be a better way. I would be interested in any suggestions and advice from you knowledgeable people in this forum.
Ideally, the cheaper the software the better, but I am also interested in what you think would do the best job given that I am something of a novice and will have the manual open in front of me. That is, if it's more expensive but much easier to use . . .
Thank you.
Tue 31 Jul 2001, 16:24

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From: Philadelphia
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The cheapest way to master would be to use the compressors and eq in protools 5.0 free available at www.digidesign.com. However this would require some knowledge of how to use a compressor.
The easiest way to master would be to process the tracks through the mastering program called T-racks.
Thu 2 Aug 2001, 09:16

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Howdy all, I'm wondering if any of you out there have used 'PEAK LE' from BIAS for mastering..... I run a MOTU 2408 using DIGITAL PERFORMER, and I just need a basic 2-track editor to lay out my bands CD. The majority of my 'mastering' needs will be handled from within digital performer...... but I wanted to get some feedback on 'PEAK LE' from any other MAC-MUSIC-MAKERS who may have had experience with this program.
Any comments/advice would be appreciated. Thanx, Kryngle
Thu 2 Aug 2001, 21:24

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 31-Jul 01
From: Houston
Member No.: 1,372

Thank you for all the great information! I've ordered the free Pro Tools CD (actually $9.95 for s&h) and I'm looking into some of the other programs (T-Racks at the moment, which looks cool AND easy!).
In a related question, I've noticed several PC programs that 'normalize' the volume of a group of songs. Are the similar programs for Mac?
Thanks again!
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