Two Problems...., 1 with imic the other with protools free |
Tue 24 Dec 2002, 06:40

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ok, this first question is for all the people who have used imics to record anything that involves more than one track.... Ive recorded my band playing through my imic, and it sounds amazing, but when my singer goes to overlay the vocal track - there is a delay so he thinks he is in time, when in fact he isnt at all??I figure this is something to do with the USB not being fast enough (just a guess). How can we solve this, is theer a possibility that we could work out the delay and shift the tracks across in pro tools or something to make them in time??? Ok question number two, i have a two track recording in protools and i choose bounce to disk - but it only turns the first track into an AIFF file, not the others - is there a possible way to like mix the tracks down (like in photoshop when you choose merge visible (only the ones u can hear) or flatten image (the whole lot)). if so, umm whereis it, Ive looked everywhere. If thats not he solution how do i bounce to disk my entire recording - with all tracks playing with each other, etc, etc.
Fri 27 Dec 2002, 01:15

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From: London - UK
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ok umm how woul di go about calibrating my system for latency?
Fri 27 Dec 2002, 06:30

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If I seem to be misunderstanding your predicament or insulting your intelligence then disregard this message;
- When you select the tracks are they ALL blackened or just 1 track? Did you choose 'select all' from the left side of the mix window? It really does sound like you are selecting one track only? Are they stereo tracks and does the L & R signal on the master fade light up?
- Concerning Latence; When recording you need to select the 'Low Latency' option from the Operations menu. This apparently gives a 'low latency monitoring' time of 3.0 milisecs (up to 50 ms and more is very noticeable). If there are still problems then, alernatively, reduce the Buffer size (Setups/Hardware Window) to 128 samples when recording CRITICAL timing inst like drums, percussion or whatever establishes the rhythm and groove. Set to 256 for Vocals, Gtr Bass etc. I keep mine at an all purpose setting of 256, with Low Latency selected, and have no problems forcing me to change although the experts say you should increase the buffer size to 1024 for final mix down. Maybe it affects my final mix I am not proficient enough to say.
As I went thru the PT learning curve I thought I would try to help out the experts here but I suggest, if you feel there is conflicting info, give preference to their knowledgable over mine every time.
Hope this helps Tony
Sat 28 Dec 2002, 06:03

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From: London - UK
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yo that helped like loads thanks a lot ( i am a COMPLETE beginer here - i only downloaded it last week)
Mon 13 Jan 2003, 05:44

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From: Hayama - JP
Member No.: 9,572

Here's how we do it in the MacGhetto:
Bounce to a single track and play it through iTunes. This to headphones wrapped snugly about your singer's head. He sings into the mic/preamp/iMic, and DO NOT MONITOR PLAYTHROUGH. This way you ignore the slight but annoying latency. You can paste a count-in onto the music track, then have him snap his fingers along with it BEFORE singing. Then line up the visible finger-snapping with the visible count-in on the music track--voila! you are synced.
Nopw throw away the music you used in iTunes--you have a vocal track which you know syncs with the rest. mix and edit to your heart's content.
Hawk "I spent all my money on a flatscreen iMac" Dahl
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