Protools, Sibelius And Tiger, Wanting to know if probs before upgrade |
Sun 22 May 2005, 11:40

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I will be updating to OSX Tiger soon and would like to know if anyone has experienced any problems with using Sibelius3 or Protools LE 6.7r2.
Wed 25 May 2005, 13:31

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ProTools will not work in tiger for the time being. I found this out the hard way, so I had to install panther onto my brand new iMac onto another partition. VERY ANNOYING. I'm quite upset really, Digi should have had that program up and running by now. Also, Digital Performer 6 will not work on tiger either. You have to PAY to have tiger compatability (6.5.1) ! Again! WTF!!! Sibelius does work
Sat 28 May 2005, 00:46

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Thanks for your reply mr dee. I too just found out (the hard way) that protools doesnt work with Tiger (update on the way). Doh!! It goes to prove that checking with manufacturers is a good idea. I had missing fonts in Sibelius after the upgrade, but easily reinstalled from the install disk. Garritan personal orchestra needed to be re registered and garritan studio had to have the VST folder reinstalled. Otherwise no probs.
Sat 28 May 2005, 02:33

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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Uh, DP is 4.5.2 not 6 something… 4.5.2 seems to work ok. Only Protools TDM is for 3 days available for Tiger and we have a few super-heroes making the jump right now. It seems mostly ok. The release date for the PT LE version is still at least a month from now. Read the relevant thread for PT, there's some good news already in it.
Sat 28 May 2005, 15:37

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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QUOTE (MrDee @ May 28 2005, 09:25) Oops my bad... You'll be spanked QUOTE So many different numbers I'm getting confused!!! sigh…  QUOTE Yeah DP 4.5.2 is working, but i have to wait about 10 weeks for my upgrade to arrive. Ah… MOTU… QUOTE And turned out the iMac G5 won't run panther on it's own, but will if it's on an external hard-drive (ipod is possible, but it'll end up killing it). So for now, get panther on an external HD, boot it up via firewire, and your laughing. Strange. Something fishy there… Save if you bought it since Tiger is out, because then it's normal: computers sold after Tiger arrival will refuse to instal Panther. But if you have it on an external drive or you install if from a clone, or using the target mode… It'll work Just apple fu…g up stupidly as usual. QUOTE Tiger is so so so worth it though it's a fantastic OS compared to Panther, just brilliant! As there seems to be definitely some issues with Tiger on some monoprocessor G5, I'll wait a little…
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