Tracktion Attraction, has anyone tried tracktion 2 |
Tue 1 Feb 2005, 03:34

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Hi there, Is tracktion2 a good one? It sounds good by description and the price is nice. Does it support SMTE time code? Does anyone sell it online? Thanks for any info. rwa
Sat 16 Apr 2005, 15:04

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what do people think about traction? does it measure up to logic or pr-tools? I think it's quite inexpensive.
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 01:40

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Hi Peggy, I only have Traction 1.6 or something like that. I love it. Very easy to get up and running. I bought a sound card which came with a basic version of Logic. I loaded it to check it out. After a few minutes I was getting aggrivated trying to figure out how to record. I had to have so many windows open. Every time I needed something it was ALWAYS behind another window. With Tracktion I had a couple of tracks recorded in no time. I don't use midi (yet) so I don't know how easy that is. I also have an older Mac (733 mhz) and I have not had a problem with latency or had to freeze a track yet. Most of the bigger programs would freeze my Mac in no-time. All that eye candy equals less processing power in the end. Good luck Roneon
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 12:38


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Hi, I've been using Tracktion for about 6 mos. and just upgraded to vers.2--I LOVE it. For me it's an alternative to the standard sequencing set up. I'm a longtime Cubase/Nuenndo user who's slowly learning Logic Pro 7(Awesome program, the Sculpture plug-in alone is astounding). The 3 great things about programs like Tracktion and Ableton Live are 1) You can get creative results quickly. 2) Because the programs are simple to learn at first, you are not discouraged, which then leads to more experimentation and a better production/music making experiance. The best thing about learning Tracktion is the automated help dialogue that follows your cursor; place your pointer over any tool or panel in the program and you get a simple, clear to understand explanation of the panel or tool . 3) Tracktion is an alternative to ProTools domination. Check out a demo see if you like it. Peace
Mon 25 Apr 2005, 11:26


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Recorded audio with no problems; used filters, etc. Still can't get any sound when using MIDI to trigger samples, nor GM. Still can't get samples into the Tracktion Sampler. Anybody help? Please?
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