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> Mixer Setup Suggestions?, not sure what to do now..
post Fri 15 Oct 2004, 16:35
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From: Hamburg - DE
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Hello all,

I've come to an interesting point in the growth of my studio and I'm a bit stuck on where to go now. Just a brief rundown of what I've got:

3 mixers:
16 channel which i'm using as my main board (mackie 1604).
24 channel rack thay i'm running all the synths/sampler to (this has a submix bus).
8 channel that i'm going to use for analogue instruments (has stereo out and monitor out).

ADAT (not in use at the moment)
Mac G3 (yosemite) with M-Audio Delta 44.

Right now I have the mains from the 24ch and 8ch running to 4channels (2 stereo) on the 16ch. I have delta mains (2ch) also to the 16ch.

The problem is that I want to be able to do live jam recording without mixing it stereo first. The same problem occurs with synth recording, I either record 1 synth at a time or mix multiple synths to stereo and record that. I think it would be better to have each source on it's own track.

Is there a way to do this without buying like a 16 input recording interface? If I were to get a more recordable ins, how would I set up the mixers so that I could utilize them? Something like direct outs to a patchbay? I guess I'm just getting confused about what to do now to grow. I'd like to have a drumset somewhere (another at least 4 channels of input needed)..

I'm starting to get a bit tangled here thinking of what/how to write this stuff in an understandable way. Perhaps it would be easiest to stop here and try answering questions you might have. I'll run down what I have as far as sound sources:

approx 32 ch of synth outs
up to 16 ch of analogue outs
the 3 mixers
and 4 ch audio ins from sound card.

...ok. now i'm gettin' batty blink.gif .

i'll answer any questions you have, and would LOVE suggestions on gear, setup or other that you might have!!!

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post Tue 9 Nov 2004, 16:40
Post #2

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I know someone like this, loads of little mixers all subbing into another mixer an not one em really big enough to handle it all, I have to play at his engineer and it's a pain in the ass.....the answer is to sell the three and get a big one or you'll be forever wishing...a Mackie 32/8 would be good, 64 real channels ( in line console ) each channel has its own aux send pots, direct out, 8 groups, headphones selection, mix b etc etc . Behringer did a cheap copy that was exactly the same if you want a cheaper version, mx8000 or something...I saw one in Roger Waters home studio with a big custom floor to ceiling monitoring system. He didn't have three different mixers and a rats nest of cables and a headache every time he wanted to try delay on one of his synths without re-wiring the whole setup and recording it off first blah blah and he didn't spend a fortune either..Stick em on ebay, I promise you, ebay em a buy a big un.

Simon Flinn
Install & Support Eng, Maintenance, Analog & Digi Electronics
Dist/Dlr background, Fast & Friendly, London & SE Based.
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post Tue 9 Nov 2004, 20:14
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wait.. so is your question how do you track each instrument separately at the same time? if so, you *do need* a multichannel audio interface. you need whatever many inputs you want to record simultaneously on the audio interface. That, and depending on which OS, sequencer, bitrate and sample rate, your g3 might not cut it.
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post Tue 16 Nov 2004, 22:59
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Ok. Thankyou both for your responses!

I think I probably need to do both, consolidate my mixers AND get a multi channel card. I think that would really simplify the studio... make much more intuitive to work in. Is this the general solution for studio growth? For instance, if I get a few more synth or something like that, will have have to look for a 48channel mixer? and so on...

I downloaded the mackie 32x8 users manual and have been reading that. I must say, EGADS! huh.gif ! Is crazy all the stuff you can hook into/out of that board. I got confused trying to imagine possible setups. That thing has up to 32 recordable outs or something.. 24 tape ins/outs plus the 8 busses... I started thinking about patchbays and stuff as well, then my head exploded. I might go to one of the local studios and ask if I can see how they have it set up... there are then question about effects, compressors and all that stuff.. good grief will drive me mad for sure!!! blink.gif

i'll also look into a new puter in the case that mine barfs when trying to handle 8 simultaneous tracks of incoming audio... hope I don't have to though, another $2k (unless i go with a Windows box).

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post Wed 17 Nov 2004, 14:36
Post #5

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christ don't go windows you'll get into a whole other bunch of setup shite and feel really suicidal as all the virii and crashes start rolling in...your mac should handle more than 8 tracks even to the internal drive unless it's in bad shape / nearly full, you got a scsi card? That would really help, 24 tracks easy to a scsi drive, adaptec or atto card, single or dual channel, adaptecs are really cheap, scsi drives cost a little more than ide's but deliver, buy second hand seagates and you usually get a five year warranty, they will send you a refurb if it fails, you can check the serial number online blah blah blink.gif

Simon Flinn
Install & Support Eng, Maintenance, Analog & Digi Electronics
Dist/Dlr background, Fast & Friendly, London & SE Based.
freelance studio support click here
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post Mon 13 Dec 2004, 21:51
Post #6


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Hello all,

I'd like to thank everyone for their suggestions. I've remedied my problem with your suggestions.

1) Nabbed a mackie 24.8 mixer (i got this b/c it was reasonably priced, my last mixer was a mackie and i liked it and i can add 24 channels with the 24E console --if i can find one used somewhere as they've been discontinued i believe).

2) Upgraded my soundcard to a M-Audio 10/10 with breakout box (again reasonably priced for a what i was getting and my old card was M-Audio delta44 that i enjoyed using, i.e., had no problems with it)

3) For a g4 dual 1.25ghz (mdd) locally for a great price!

i've had to rearrange the studio to accomodate the new board (it's a beast! hehe). Thinking in the long run i'll build a nice desk for it, my rack gear, etc. (btw does anyone know where i could get a basic set of plans for doing this with wood? i'll have to modify them i think but just to get an idea how to build it as i'm a woodworking idiot but would like to learn!).

i guess i'll have everything up and running b4 xmas!! i'm SO excited about recording again and trying OS X and DP4.5 --hopefully the solution to the usb midi interface problems i was having under OS 9.2. yes, i've given apple 1 more shot. rolleyes.gif

thanks, for the light at the end of the tunnel folks!! i was in a knot in my brain about what to do, seriously!!!! i REALLY appreciate you taking the time to respond to my questions.


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post Tue 14 Dec 2004, 07:46
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If you search the Sound on Sound site I think you'll find one. I built my own racks using it.

I also built racks in the studio underneath my desk - using one side of the desk and a piece of wood cut to size on the other side of the rack.

Saves loads of money. smile.gif

Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5 / 2 x 19" Formac Monitors / Hammerfall Digi 9652 / Mackie d8b / 2.5 gig RAM

iMac G5 1.8 17" / M-Audio 1814 Firewire / Tascam TM-D1000 / 2 gig RAM

Lacie Firewire Drives

Logic Pro 7 / NI Battery - Guitar Rig - B4 / GMedia MTron / Crystal / LinPlug RMIV / OSX 10.3.6
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post Tue 14 Dec 2004, 16:23
Post #8


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From: Hamburg - DE
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heya majn,

thanks! i'll give it a look this morning. i'd hate to spend > $500 on empty space hehehe.
sounds you've done what i was thinking i need to do. do you have any pics? would like to see how it turned out.

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