Problems With Dp3.11 And Os9.2, freezes on close of application |
Tue 12 Oct 2004, 06:31

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From: Hamburg - DE
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Greetings all, I'm at my wicks end here. Just thought I'd throw the question out to see if anyone had had the same experience. I'm a SVP user and have switched to DP b/c well.. we all know what happened to SVP. After the long run around with trying to get DP3.11 to work with my non-motu usb interface and other hassles, i've finally got a system that will run. sort of. DP decides that when it's closed, it's going to take the whole machine with it.the machine freezes. no mouse, no keyboard, no movement of time.  i'm a bit upset with b/c i've been using mac for close to 10 years now and i'm just kinda fed up with this kind of behavior. then to boot, they switch the freakin' OS so now i'll have to upgrade to get the newer version of my music software... nickel and dime ya to death. even after the overpriced machines/software/hardware. i'm seriously thinking about switchign to a MS setup b/c i can get a bigger bang for my buck hardware-wise and software is less expensive as well... and well, it won't be so dang touchy. i'm glad that my hardware is external  (usb etc.). if you think this will help: blue&white yosemite g3 450MHz (i think that's what in there.. ) 768MB ram DP3.11 (yes i bought it) M-Audio delta 44 midiman midisport 8x8 the thing is, it's a pain. a big pain.. is annoying sitting down to work out some ideas and have to deal with this stuff EVERY time.always searching the web for possible problems with something that seems to me to be fairly straight foward. p.s. no, i do not want to upgrade to OSX because, i'm not going to go through this again and i don't wanna keep shelling out money for this. although if there is the possibility for a seemless transition to OSX then i guess i'd give it a go... but jeeeez is it frustrating as hell.. p.p.s. sorry folks for the rant.. just need some help and i guess needed to vent a bit as well. take care.
Tue 12 Oct 2004, 15:40

Group: Members
Posts: 15
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From: Hamburg - DE
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hello all! sorry for posted an already answered question. i should have read more carefully through the forum. i've just found another post in this forum with suggestion to first close the project then close the app. i'll give that a go and let ya know how it turns out. i'm hoping that's the problem. i'm going to read through the forum this afternoon to look for answers to more questions. i'd forgotten what a resource this forum is (been awhile since i've read through). i'd put a link to the thread in here but i'm not sure how it's done. if you do a search in this (the software on macos 9) forum for "dp 3" you should find it. many thanks, and again i apologize for the redundant post. john
Mon 1 Nov 2004, 03:31

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From: Edmonton - CA
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Yes, it's the same problem/solution in DP4.12 in OS X. For some crazy reason you just can't "close" a file. You have to request to open a new file and when prompted "close" the file that was opened. It took me a lota crashes to finally observe that behaviour both in DP 3 and DP4.
I still use SVPRO and Vision 4.5 in OS 9.1. in my G4, 8500 and 9600.
I had to download the new "revised" Acadia drivers to get them to work. This also took a lota crashes before I discovered the answer.
Do you need the URL for the download for the acadias and PaceFree Visions/Galaxy programmes?.
Incidently I've got the Audiophile 2496 PCI card installed in my G4 and also use the M-audio USB 8x8 with my G4, 8500 and 9600.
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 07:09

Group: Members
Posts: 15
Joined: 06-Apr 03
From: Hamburg - DE
Member No.: 15,642

heya midimacguy! very cool news that you're still using svpro! i love that program.. just had some problems recording audio with it. is, imo, the best midi sequencer i've ever used.. very intuitive. perhaps the recording would go better with the new sound card. dunno haven't tried with it. i still have it installed. i might give it a go... i got spooked when i heard they wouldn't be supporting it anymore but i guess i'm in the same boat with DP3.11 now  . would love to get link for patches for new intruments... have you tried the "by hand" editing of text files? hehe i wrote programs to mangle them on my shell accoutn then ftp'd them back.. pain in the butt but, what can ya do eh? i'm tired.. i dont' know if i'm making sense so i'll cut out now thanks for the info!! take care, -/)
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