WWDC: OS X 10.4 "Tiger" -- What Will it Mean for Music?, Apple |
Thu 6 May 2004, 00:08

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Interestingly, in the leap from Mac OS X 10.2 to 10.3, Apple still had not populated the Manufacturer and Model menus for Properties in the MIDI section of the Audio MIDI Setup utility. I wonder if they will include Manufacturer and Model lists, perhaps in the form of "MIDI Description Files", much like they do with obsolete printers listed with Printer Description Files. That would be cool!
http://www.macboy.com Cartoons for Mac GeeksMew & Zach Mac Music Comic StripPowerBook G4 800MHz Mac OS X 10.3, Emagic Logic Platinum 6, amt8, Yamaha TG500 (x2), Yamaha TX81Z, Roland JD-990, Roland D-550, Korg M1, Oberheim Matrix 6R, Mackie LM3204 line mixer, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, V-Tech VT-1030 Cheap-O Uni-Directional Mic, Macromedia Flash 6 MX
Fri 4 Jun 2004, 08:09

Group: Members
Posts: 7
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From: Paris - FR
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damon, truer words were never spoken.
OS X has will now have cost an early adopter close to $500. this way madness lies.
my own particular escape has been to purchase a new mac every year (the new OS) and sell off one old one, but it puts money in apple's pocket too.
in any case, for spritely operation OS X requires all the hardware you can throw at it.
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