Do you use MacOS X? |
Wed 22 Jan 2003, 11:20

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Joey b - Edirol have some nice OS X-ready audio interfaces.
As for OS X, I love it and tend to use it for everything. Occasionally, I have to launch Classic apps (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Quark etc), but I never actually have to boot into OS 9.
Music-wise, I'm running Reason, Live, Cubase SX, Logic Platinum 5.5, Melodyne, Storm, Sound Studio, BIAS Peak and a whole lot of other shareware apps - everything OS X-native. It's excellent.
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:05

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 I am a bit trapped with my new powerbook gigaherz, it refuses to do a clean install of os 9...leading into a very unstable musicpartition under 9.22. Osx is nice and has much better miditiming since 10.23, no question...the future of musicmaking on a mac is osx...but... in the moment all applications i have for osx are so badly buggy that life hurts...i never had so many crashes.... the powerbook crashes under 9 because of the bad installation...and it crashes under osx because of applikation and driver buggs. if anybody knows a trick to force a new powerbook to accept an os 9 installer...please let me know...
Sun 9 Feb 2003, 11:50

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I just bought an new 867 DP for e1479 and am amazed with the quality and simplicity of OSX in general. I tried for some time to get a P4 Asus working stable with Logic, but on OS X everything just works fine right out of the box (until now, fingers crossed) without these crazy windows questions all the time (took me 4 hours to get the Logic XSkey working). I have to wait a bit for sum updates (Altiverb, Powercore), so for that it's hopping back to 9.
I'm really looking forward to good MPimplementation of Logic and having the cash to burn on the Vienna orchestral samples!
For me this platform has a lot of potential. Very stable, very easy to maintain, no 'OS-ego' that keeps popping up with silly remark like "Windows has noticed you have a mouse attached to your computer" and stuff. In general, that's what I dislike about computers, if the OS needs a lot of attention and pampering while you're trying to get some creative -kough- work done.
Peace & Pizza
Mon 10 Feb 2003, 09:18

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I'm running OS X on a 1gHz tiBook using Cubase SX and Reason 2.0 software. Hardware is a Roland PC-200 keyboard controller and a Yamaha WX5 wind controller, both running midi into a Roland SC-8850 sound module that pours the datstream through USB to a Griffin audio USB hub and then into the tiBook.
Miraculously, everything works even better than OS 9. I've had the tiBook since late December and have never even booted in OS 9. OS X is clean and trouble free. Wonderful, elegant interface that never bombs or freezes.
I guess if OS 9 does everything you want and is hassle-free -- stay with it. But you'll never know what you're missing. I upgraded Cubase and Reason to OS X at very reasonable cost that included major new improvements as well. The only important piece that I've given up is TC-Works Native Reverb VST plug-in to Cubase. TC-Works upgrade path is to Native Bundle, which includes four other plug-ins, but they want $199. Seems steep for the package to me. I'm waiting to see if TC-Works either brings the upgrade price down or see if I can get by without it.
All-in-all OS X has been wonderful experience
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 02:37

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I have had warm and fuzzy feelings for Logic 5.5 combined with OSX since the day I got it, even with a slightly higher learning curve in regards to set-up (and of course I'm only speaking about my personal experience). While it's a bummer that the hardware key takes up a USB slot, to have all the EMagic VST instruments already in the Logic program code (thereby eliminating any possibility of problem) is more than worth the minor inconvenience.
Fri 28 Feb 2003, 20:29

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QUOTE (webmaster @ Oct 6 2002, 11:59) With the new Jaguar (OS 10.2) , and the coming major music apps, how do you feel about it? I can only agree with senior member Levon River. MacOS X has great potential, but has limitations now that almost make it as bad as some Windows OS versions. I still use it for music production and editing (I don't do sequencing or synthing yet), but jump from good program to good program. Apple needs to do some homework to make Core MIDI, CoreAudio and Audio Units all their potential seems to indicate. This is no time for inferior-making compromises. Then MacOS X will be a devastating music machine.
Sun 9 Mar 2003, 08:01

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I use a yamaha keyboard, a delta 44 card & box w Audio Buddy, an img 2010 Guitar, all plugged into a Quicksilver g4. I cried and cried when OSX and Cubase wouldnt work in classic - But with Cubase SX, I'm back in heaven - the program seem so far to work effortlessly - I'd say definitely smoother than OS 9.2, as I don't have to boot up my MIDIMAN panel, then OMS, then Cubase. I'm honestly glad to be rid off OMS - it felt like an endangered species anyways! I like the feel of OSX and SX, and the VST System Link is a killer boost for anyone who has a powerbook and a tower.
All I miss now are my favorite plug ins (I was SO GLAD to find North Pole here!!!) But I guess they will come back over time. It's good to re-invent myself from time to time, and start from scratch and rebuild from the ground up - I just don't appreciate Apple telling when I have to do it by releasing an Op System that isnt comaptible w my core app. I really have learned from all of this that Apple doesn't care about it's long term core users and any loyalty I had for them is gone, but they still make the best computer and operating system, it just could be so much better. my 2 cents worth. lol
Sun 16 Mar 2003, 05:01

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Wow, I had no idea this site was so 9-biased(haha BIAS oops pun).. I probably should have been aware, realizing that a lot of equipment has yet to be updated (drivers, etc.) for X and that a lot of studios are most likely going to stick with 9 for a looong time.
My impression comes from the poll options: Do you use MacOS X? For music, For the rest, I will install it later, I stay with OS 9, Never.
I use OS X (10.2.4) for EVERYTHING. I don't run Classic (as I have a 10.1 system on another partition, and another partition with OS 9 as the 10.1's Classic) and work more effectively and creatively than I ever did in any of the old Mac OS's.. btw I've been on Apple computers since before the Mac, and have worked with Macs and audio since Farralon came out with the MacRecorder (circa '89?).. working with some MOTU and Oxygen hardware, Reason mostly.
So yeah, make the switch. (to OS X) Unless you would need to buy new hardware, or pay too much for some software upgrades. Then you should stick to 9, it's pretty solid.
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