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> Logic Pro7 - Buy In Us, Use In Uk?
post Fri 28 Jan 2005, 11:40
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My band mate is working at a college in America for 8 months, he can buy Logic Pro7 with generous educational discount - my question is: will we be able to bring it back to Britain and load it onto our Mac here? Is there any reason this won't work? I can't seem to see any discussion about this anywhere? Can anyone either point me at a relevant item or confirm this will work fine?

Thanks very much!
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post Fri 28 Jan 2005, 15:16
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It'll be fine, the authorisation is a usb dongle so as long as that survives crossing the atlantic you'll be ok!

Simon Flinn
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post Fri 28 Jan 2005, 15:20
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thanks very much - I suspected it would be fine, but it seems too good to be true.. It's half price with the educational discount - $499, and with the strong pound that makes it £265 only, an irresistable price I think!
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post Sat 29 Jan 2005, 16:11
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I was a student at a local JC here in the USA, and bought a bunch of applicaitons, STUDIO MX 2004, which included FLASH MX 2004, ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS, et al, at the academic discount price. From what I experienced, they are not the full version, and if you're trying to do a tutorial out of a book, you most likely won't be able to finish it, because it's a truncated version. The book was written for a full version. Do yourself a favor and find out the difference between the academic version and the full version. It isn't just price! They leave out some stuff in the full version!
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post Sat 29 Jan 2005, 16:22
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Thanks for that!
I checked, and there are two versions of Studio MX, one Pro, one Academic - the Academic one is cheaper (with discount - $199 instead of $249), was it the $199 you got?
I checked to see if there are two versions of Logic Pro7, but there is only one, so I'm hoping it will be ok. Even if it is truncated though I can still save myself over £400 ($750) so it's worth it you know, otherwise I will have to buy the Express version....
thanks for the advice.
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post Sun 30 Jan 2005, 01:35
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As a teacher and, formerly, a student, I have bought several programs with an educational discount. It helps when you aren't making the big bucks but still want to gain knowledge about the current technology so you are able to encourage you students to get into this area. None of music programs I have purchased have been limited in anyway.

But please don't abuse the generousity of the companies who offer these discounts to students and faculty.

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post Sun 30 Jan 2005, 08:50
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Of course Rhyder! I agree it is extremely generous of Apple to offer such a large discount, but they do say on the website, purchase for your institution or for yourself, so although my band mate won't be using it to teach students (he's a researcher in mathematics applied to the biological sciences, so not much scope for music sequencer programmes...) he is fully entitled under their rules... If that's abuse, they should change their rules maybe? Less discount for personal users, full discount for those using it to teach? That might be fairer?

Thanks for the feedback Rhyder.
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post Sun 30 Jan 2005, 10:44
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The only thing you need to keep in mind is that with an educational apple product, you will not be entitled for any upgrade!!!!
It's still a good purchase though considering that to update from logic pro 6 to 7 you need to pay more than 300 euro!!!

Do it!!!!!!
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post Sun 30 Jan 2005, 14:27
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Pashalifi-You are right about Apple's statement for personal use. I use mine at home as well. And under Apple's definition, your band mate has as much right to the discount as I, wherever we use it. And as his personal use would include band usage--have fun with it.

Loudstring-I have always been able to obtain updates to all of the musical products i have reveived ed discounts for--cubase, dp, sibelius, arturia MMV, and so on, including logic. I didn't get ed prices, but regular updating costs were the same as for those who purchased non-ed. Maybe apple is different on non-music products.

All-if you are entitled to educational discounts, (and this goes for students, teachers, admin, and other staff), and use them and use them wisely. I almost always ask if there is an educator's discount on products I purchase-computers, CDs, books, office supplies, music. I am sometimes pleasantly surprised. A disount is may only apply to students, or to teachers but every little bit helps.
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post Sun 30 Jan 2005, 22:30
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I stand corrected! I should have said, “they leave out some stuff in the academic versions, not full versions. And again, not having bought any academic music programs, I shouldn’t be commenting. I just assumed that all academic programs are truncated, like the computer graphic education versions that I bought. I’m glad to hear that the academic music programs are not limited.
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