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91604 StudioCity
United States
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Joined: 20-Sep 06
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Last Seen: Tue 10 Oct 2006, 16:33
Local Time: Mon 3 Feb 2025, 10:37
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I have got an Impulse drum track that i have tweaked to such a good place using several plugins.
All i would like to do is route each part of the kit to a seperate track BUT....here's the catch, i REALLY need the original Plug In Effect routed in with each seperate track. Thus far i only seem to get a dry signal when i re route.
There is something that really special that happens and the effects ping pong and bounce off of each other in the single track that is completely lost when i try to recreate the feel of the track and what the effects do to it. it just feels flat.
When i try to "rewire" to pro tools to record it says that my plug in devices are deactivated when live is slaved, thus i loose the feel that the plug in gave the track
what would be an awesome fix, would be to record the 8 tracks seperately in LIVE with the initial effect intact, or a work around that would keep the plugins "activated" while pro tools is recording the track
any thoughts on this would be great!
OK, I am stuck. ( and a newbie )
i got all excited and downloaded Magical 8 bit plug, SupaTrigga which left on my desk top folders with a "SupaTrigga.component" and "Magical8bitplug.compoment" in them.
Can someone please explain (or send a link to a thread to explain) how i can
1. Open these files ( i am unable to as they are now ) 2. Put them in a place where i can use with Ableton live
What exactly is a "component" file?
any insight to these mysteries would be GREATLY appreciated
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