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Joined: 08-Jan 06
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Last Seen: Sun 15 Jan 2006, 02:24
Local Time: Sun 2 Feb 2025, 21:22
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8 Jan 2006
I'm looking for the right software and a/d converter, and hoping someone could share some advice and experience as I'm a new Mac convert.
I do my tracking onto a 1/2" 8-track reel-to-reel. I need to be able to dump these tracks into my 1Ghz G4 Powerbook for editing and mixing, so I need to have 8 simultaneous inputs. I have been using (on generous loan) AudioDesk and the MOTU 828mkII and they have been awesome. Almost perfect. The major problem is that I need to have the 828mkII plugged into my computer to run AudioDesk. This sucks. I have to do a lot mixing/editing at strange times and places and I can't carry a rack unit and cables with me everywhere just to run a program. I've also just learned that ProTools is similar and, worse, will only recognize they're own hardware for input. Can anyone suggest the right combination of software and hardware? I need to be able to plug my laptop in and load in 8 simultaneous tracks, and then UNPLUG the A/D converter and edit in my laptop. I'd like software comparable to AudioDesk for editing (in quality, use, and features) that will run on OSX and will be compatible with whatever hardware A/D converter I get. Needless to say, I don't want to have to sell a kidney for it all either. Any help? Eric |
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