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Musicians / Keyboard Players
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Born May 7, 1970
(54 years old)
5000 Odense
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Joined: 18-Jul 05
Profile Views: 910*
Last Seen: Sun 24 Jul 2005, 19:15
Local Time: Thu 6 Mar 2025, 16:59
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I've got a question about using the PowerMac G5 for musicproduktion. I just got my G5 and everything seemed fine until I discovered some kind of chirping sound when I was using Cubase. Every time I moved the mouse and especially when holding down the mouse button on the graphic eq the sound became very loud. Also a tone keept repeating it selv once evry' second. These noises got higher when I turned the performance up HIGH insted of AUTOMATIC. After a serieus search on the net I discovered that this is a known problem for many users. But I've got a few questions : 1) Are there anyone who do not experience these problems? 2) Are there any other way to get rid of the noise than to use the "CHUD Tools Nap mode Fix - nap of" - and does anyone know if it is a serieus problem to do this "nap off" for a longer peroid of time. I know that the went is going to be running a bit more and it doesn't bother me, but is it a problem for the hardware inside the mac ? 3) How do you use the G5 for serieus music production, disabel the nao or live with the noise ? 4) Are there any reports of people getting less noise after replacement of the PS which seems to be the problems ? Any new supplies beeing produced ?
I'm quite frustrated and considering returning the mac, but I would really like to hear from you folks who are using the machine on a dayli basis... I'm a regular PC user who just made the switch to mac...
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