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Music Industry / ~Misc
Pro-Rec offers top rated sounds for all major synths and samplers including the Triton, Fantom, Karma and MANY more... We have been the #1 producer of synth sounds in the world for over ten years, and our sounds have been top rated in almost every synth publication in existence. See all of our sounds at www.pro-rec.com.
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Born April 18, 1968
(56 years old)
93109 Santa Barbara
United States
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Joined: 06-Aug 02
Profile Views: 1,069*
Last Seen: Fri 16 Apr 2004, 22:16
Local Time: Tue 4 Mar 2025, 00:52
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Anyone know how to create a cool robotic sound or voice or any cool robot fx on mac softsynths, softsamplers, or effects? I have Reason, so if you have any suggestions using the FX or other software on Reason, that would be great. Thanks!
Anyone know how to create a cool robotic sound or voice or any cool robot fx on mac softsynths, softsamplers, or effects? I have Reason, so if you have any suggestions using the FX or other software on Reason, that would be great. Thanks!
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