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Joined: 12-May 02
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12 May 2002
I have a fair amount of experience with Macs and graphics software, but I am very new to music on computers. I had a go with Octamed(?) on an Amiga in the early 90's but other than that I have no experience, so I'm probably asking some dumb questions. I have wanted to have a go at music on computer for a while, to add my own music to my website and animations, so when I found a cover CD with Micrologic Fun I though it was an ideal chance to get a feel for music software. I hoped it would help me decide what sort of set up I would need. According to the instructions i don't need any extra modules or hard ware, it would run using Quicktime music synthisizer, but I can't get it to work! I followed the instuctions and set the output(?) to quicktime but it says 'Midi data could not be sent.' I thought there might be a problem with the software so I tried the free version of Pro tools to see if it would play midi, but the demo song only registers the midi signal, without actually playing it. I was under the impression that both packages would run with Quicktime instruments.(As far as I can tell it is installed and running) What am I doing wrong? The annoying thing is that I am getting the hang of audio, midi, mixing etc.. but I can't hear any of the midi notes. Could someone walk me through either packages midi setup, in simple idiot proof steps? Thanks
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