Hi everyone, i recently stumbled accross this forum when I was looking for stuff to make music with on my mac. I've read a few of the other "newbie" posts of people asking how to get started, but these people either had other equipment or previous musical knowledge. Let me say that I know nothing about music
I own a acoustic guitar though, still learning to play after a year and a half (got a few chords down). I have a tibook running OS X (OS 9 is on there if needed) and I wanted to make/record some music with it. I've mostly been thinking about making some synth pop'y type stuff. Can someone help me get started. I figured at the least I would need a drum machine type program, synth program and something to lay down some tracks with. I don't have any musical training or anything, but I always have songs in my head
Also, I'm a student, so I'm *really* low on cash, so if these program suggestions could be reasonably priced or free that would help
Thanks for taking the time to read this.