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Musicians / Bassists
Bassist looking for real time pitch to midi to software synth capability
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03300 Mexico City
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Joined: 26-Aug 03
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Last Seen: Sun 25 May 2008, 07:59
Local Time: Fri 31 Jan 2025, 12:27
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I'm trying to connect several midi controllers to reason 2.5, the idea being to do a live act with electronic drums, a midi bass and a keyboard (driving redrum and two synths). But it appears the sequencer can only record one midi controlled instrument at a time. I think I can maybe hook the three controllers up, but I'm pretty positive reason won't be able to record them all at once (and I wanna be able to record all jams). Does anybody out there have any experience doing something similar? Like, for example, having three keyboard controllers driving 3 different instruments at the same time? Anybody know any software packages that can do this? - jason
O wise ones: I'm in the market for a firwire audio interface, and thinking of the Motu 828, but am stuck on whether I really need the new model (MkII), which comes with midi inputs. Right now my midi controller connects to my G4 PB by USB, but I'm not sure if this might be done with less latency if it were via the 13-pin cable to the Motu 828 MkII, which would connect to the machine by firewire. The old Motu 828 doesn't come with 13-pin midi in/out, but I would only need these if the connection was faster than USB. Thank ye, Gleit
Oh wise ones: HELP! I bought a GI-20 and am trying to get it to run into Reason 2.0 on a Mac (G4 PB), but I can't get it to work. I installed the USB driver (an updated one for OS X I downloaded from the Roland site), but when I go to reason's midi preferences to configure the port, the GI-20 doesn't show up. Anybody out there got any experience with this stuff? - Jason
I'm about to dive into computer music, and am wondering which audio card I'll need (and why). My controller will have USB out (it'll be a GI-20 pitch/midi converter triggered by a piccolo bass for low latency), and I plan on running that into a G4 powerbook (12 inch, spr drive with 60 gb hard drive and 640MB memory). There I plan on using MAX/MSP for building synth sounds to trigger and cubase or reason for sequencing. I want to do all this for a live perfomance setting, so I need things to be fast.
I know nothing about computer music, so I'm lost as far as which soundcard I need (and why).
Please help, Jason Lange
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