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Joined: 07-Jul 01
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Local Time: Thu 6 Mar 2025, 07:57
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I'm using antique gear that I've used for decades (no finances to upgrade) - and yet I still keep running into synchronisation problems - tonight's issue. I've recorded a track onto my mac using Cubse 2.0 audio - a mixture of four digital tracks and some midi ones - I now want to add some more tracks using my ADAT with a DataMaster acting as synchroniser - but for some reason my usual configurations aren't working and I can't think what I've overlooked
I'm using DataMaster to set ADAT as Master - sending MTC code to the computer via a Studio four midi interface - I've selected 'sync' in Cubase - and told it to receive MTC - but nada - computer isn't finding the code to sync' to - what have I missed?
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