Logic Platinum 6 Vs Pro Tools |
Thu 7 Sep 2006, 23:28
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 07-Sep 06
From: San Bruno - US
Member No.: 83,038
Personally, I am a Logic Fan all the way. THis post is very old but i stumbled on to it and thought i'd give you my 2 cents. A lot of people say that pro tools is the way to go for audio,, but i beg to differ.... There is NOTHING that you can doo in PTLE that you cant do in LOGIC. There is a ton of good free plugins for logic as well. In fact it seems some things are simpler in Logic. BTW Im at Logic express 7.1 and pro tools Le 7 ass well. I run a presonus firepod (8 mic ins)
Personally I choose to track with Logic any day. But I've been getting into Protools because its widely used and experience in it can come in handy in the industry...
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 06:16
Group: Members
Posts: 20
Joined: 17-Aug 05
From: Montreal - CA
Member No.: 68,864
Sorry to speak out on an unrelated matter in a post, but I'm feelin' the love tonight. MacDaddy, so good to have you back. Weren't you in Amsterdam or something? I dig your vibe, man, you come on strong and I love it, it's coming from an awesome place. And gdoubleyou, man, you've been keeping this forum alive for a while now. I'm really glad guys like you are around and keeping things going - especially while lepetitmartien is wherever he is (retreated to some mountaintop to meditate?). Just wanted to say that.
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