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> Bss M-250's, SCAM Don't buy them!!!
post Fri 21 Jan 2005, 18:16
Post #51

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At least some police is on them! biggrin.gif


(We should found a club wink.gif (trying to see the bright side of scam)

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post Sat 22 Jan 2005, 00:04
Post #52


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Just had chat with police, they cant do shit.. its a civil crime ,what they're doing is completly LEGAL. So,people, if anyone finds out anything about this bald stocky guy in his 40s or the american tanned 20s skinny prick with verbal diahreia it will be much appreciated, as i'd like to make a personal visit. Strictly business of course. In the meantime, you've got to laugh! laugh.gif
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post Sat 22 Jan 2005, 01:31
Post #53


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they are the very wankers that got me.

i swear that if i ever find em im gonna act interested and 'stress test' the speaker cones with something feckin heavy. failing that im gonna stress test their heads with each other.

im so bleedin angry.
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post Sun 23 Jan 2005, 15:52
Post #54


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well, I have to say it was a good scam. they had me fooled. seemed like pretty nice guys, and the catalogues and everything looked legit.

but now I'm out £210 and half a bottle of stolichnaya. I'm just glad I didn't give them any more.

I wonder how many of those white vans are out there... how many of these guys. one of mine was from boston and the other was british, sounded like he was from london. the american had long hair, sideburns, and I remember he had his lower lip pierced. the british guy had short hair. said their names were john and chris, respectively.

hey, someone said it was pulled in boston. same guy, I guess... all ye scammed, unite! let's find these guys.
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post Sun 23 Jan 2005, 16:15
Post #55


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and one more thing... that whole "well, they're pretty decent speakers!" line doesn't do it for me. I mean, they're too big for a student, and if they were really worth £1000 or anything close to that, it'd justify having them. but they're just "pretty decent" and now, in the middle of exams, I've gotta start thinking about how I'm gonna get rid of these big, clunky, worthless speakers. and most of all, it's just really humiliating. white van with no tools or wires or anything... and what were they doing on campus? in hindsight, the "what were you thinking?" factor is just unbearable.

I'm in bath, by the way. a few people said they got scammed in bristol... well, just know they're still in the area.
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post Mon 24 Jan 2005, 00:52
Post #56


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well i have a clean criminal record but im happy to taint it with some payback, and failing that i have a mental friend who would do it for the sport tongue.gif

well i feel really bad for doing so but in the paper mine go, only sellin for the price i paid tho, i feel bad enough sellin em off to someone else but now i damn well need the money. angry.gif

this realy freakin sucks.
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post Thu 27 Jan 2005, 20:42
Post #57


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This happened to a friend of mine today (27th Jan) in Liverpool. so beware if you're in the North west. To be fair i've just had a look at them and tested them out and they look good and sound good from a standard Stereo system. I'm just glad i did abit of research on them before i offered to take them off his hands for £400 which we had previously agreed on biggrin.gif
They definately 'prey' on students on with fat loan cheques dont they laugh.gif
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post Fri 28 Jan 2005, 17:20
Post #58


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The same thing just happened to a mate of mine

28th Jan in Exeter. Looks like they've had a long journey from Liverpool.

Guy called Alex. By the way he was acting, i thought he was a friend of my mate. I wouldn't have let him buy them if i knew the whole story.

By the Uni as well.

I've been to look for the bastards, but no avail.
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Sfsdfsd Ssfdsf
post Fri 28 Jan 2005, 19:30
Post #59


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yeh, im the idiot mate of 'Simonjlr' above who fell for it in exeter today

same tanned american geezer, this time he was called alex, and an english mate. the english one said he was from london and as im from north london, a place called crouch end, i mentioned that and he knew it, and that it had a clocktower, and said that he was from Finchley. not sure if he's actually from finchley, but he knew north london well so my guess is he's from round there.

i only bought one, as i was given the impression it'd be easy to flog it off on ebay and make some profit, paid 150 for it. oh well, dont think i'll find anyone who wants to buy it so i just hope it works for long enough for the 150 to be worth it. i'll just have to get used to hearing music in mono. hah

does anyone who has a set, or just one want to take this one off me and have two, or three? 100 quid seems to be what they are worth from my research on this message board and others. longshot i know, but if you are pleased with yours, then it'd make sense. i dunno. contact me if you're interested.
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post Mon 31 Jan 2005, 16:24
Post #60


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Hey,the same thing happened to me last Thursday about midday. Luckily I only paid them £150 for both of them which means I should be able to get my money back when I sell them.I went to the police station and reported what had happened but they just said that they hadnt committed a criminal offence because they had sold me speakers that worked but had sold me something on false information. They therefore advised me to contact the Trading Standards Unit which I did and although they cant do anything without more information they are monitoring the situation in England.If you have information on the guys behind this scam you should contact them so they can catch these people.The Plymouth branch is 01752 304580 if you live elsewhere in England you could give them a ring to get your local branch number.I've also put a notice out on the Plymouth University website warning people about the scam and written to BBC Watchdog,so hopefully no one else will fall victim to these people.

Nicholas Steel (Steely)
Plymouth UK
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