Delete Files/ableton Live, Error Number 50? |
Thu 10 Apr 2003, 03:07

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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From: Paris - FR
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First thing, run the Apple disk repair utility SOS disk and rebuild the desktop too, it may be the mac doesn't know where everything is or the desktops files are screwed in some way. Then I'd try with a minimum set of extensions (only Apple) first, try Live, then if it's ok add the few for music etc. It can be a conflict somewhere around there… Else which version of OS9 are you using, if it's 9.1 either try 9.04 or 9.2x.  (btw I merged both threads
Mon 14 Apr 2003, 16:28

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Group: Editors
Posts: 15,189
Joined: 23-Dec 01
From: Paris - FR
Member No.: 2,758

Before that, contact Ableton. It may be a problem they know about… If it was really system related you would have troubles in similar uses in other softwares. The disk problems may not cause problems to other apps but a system related yes it can! Have you tried to trash the preference files, and also reinstall Live if it's not sufficient ?
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