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post Sun 20 Oct 2002, 14:59
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Hi everyone-I'm a first time poster here, but hopefully I'll use this forum a lot. I'm also brand new to MIDI, having just bought an oxygen 8 keyboard, (which connects via USB) and installed oms and the keystation software that came with it. I can't hear the notes I record in protools, or any other audio software I use it in. It shows input from the keyboard, so I know it's communicating with the computer, but no sound.
OS 9.2.2.
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post Sun 20 Oct 2002, 15:31
Post #2


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Well, what are you trying to trigger with the Oxygen 8? It's a MIDI controller, so all it does is send MIDI Data to your Mac or other MIDI equipment (for instance, an Access Virus). Luckily, we live in the golden age of software synthesizers, so you can drive those with your Oxygen8.
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post Sun 20 Oct 2002, 16:09
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I'm trying to get sounds to come out of my speakers when I press the keys on the keyboard...I'm guessing that's a start, and then I'll worry about what the sounds sound like...
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post Sun 20 Oct 2002, 17:32
Post #4

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i think you missed filarion's point... you see... midi itself doesn't carry a sound... the only way you are going to be able to hear a sound from your keyboard is if you run a software synth or sampler such as Reason, Absynth, Halion, FM7, and the list goes on. The notes you are recording in ProTools will never generate a sound unless you a) connect a hardware sound generator to protools using midi and then direct the recorded midi notes to the sound module or b) you run a soft sampler or synth with ProTools using directconnect such as Unity AS-1.

For example, I use a Yamaha CS6x 16 part multi-timberal synth... its a 61 note keyboard. I have it connected via midi and can play notes that record to ProTools or Logic. Since is 16 part multi-timberal, I can create up to 16 midi channels of midi data and use my synth to play back the data and record the audio output of the synth seperate from the midi data. This allows me to listen to my composition and if something is not right, I can go back and edit the midi data and re-record the audio again. So you see... the midi data has no sound only tells a hardware sound module or software sound module what to play and then you must record the audio output to get your sound from the midi.

The Oxygen8 differs from my keyboard by the fact that it has not internal sound generator and thus is consider a "controller" and this why you don't hear anything when you press the keys. If you wanted to actually hear the notes as you play... you will need to use software synths as mentioned above or sell the Oxygen8 and get yourself a Casio with midi input and output and then you can hear what you are playing and can use the midi data to play better sounds later. wink.gif

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post Mon 21 Oct 2002, 00:03
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OK Thanks, I have Reason. What do I do to start using the keyboard to make music? I mean, just to push the keys and hear notes come out? I know this sounds rediculously naiive, but seriously I can't get anything to happen even at a basic level.
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post Mon 21 Oct 2002, 00:44
Post #6

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It just plain wonderful to have all those software, like Reason etc. and not being able to make a sound with them.

I wonder what was in this gentleman's mind when he ... bought ... those very expensive pieces of software wihtout a clue about what MIDI is...


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post Mon 21 Oct 2002, 03:44
Post #7


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Hey buserror...
Reason came on the CD-it's a demo. Demos are free.
I only have the keyboard because I couldn't try it out in the store. I have 30 days to try it out and return it for a full refund. So there's no investment.
I thought I'd get an entry-level machine and dive into midi on my mac. Macmusic sounded like a good place to get some help. Of course, you take the grumps with the help anywhere you go...
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post Mon 21 Oct 2002, 04:50
Post #8

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ignore buserror... rolleyes.gif

are you running OS9 or X?

in os9 you will have to install OMS and make it read your Oxy8 drivers which handles the midi data... then in Reason... just goto preferences and look in midi prefs... set incoming midi options so it reads keystation i think... then in the sequencer window... click on track that is connected to device you want to play and you will see a circle with dots appear to left corner meaning that it is connected to your midi channel and then you should be able to play... you may need to look at the pdf manual for reason to understand some of this and more help.

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G4 550mhz Tibook & Brand Spankin New Dual G5 2Ghz Power Mac with Tiger.
So long old OS9 apps :(
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post Mon 21 Oct 2002, 10:16
Post #9

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Welcome, Kidliquid smile.gif smile.gif

I started not long ago, and I didn't even know the right keywords to do searches. Then when I knew a tiny bit I didn't formulate the questions properly.

My way of understanding midi is: I can record my performance so the machine can duplicate my fingers later on whatever instrument (that understands midi and has an amp and speakers) that I connect to it.

I know nothing else about midi. I record sounds. That's called audio. If midi has nothing to do with audio then I'll eat my old loudspeaker cables - still, when we say audio, it means not midi blink.gif

I've been performing (singing) on and off for thirty years so accepting I'm a beginner is odd.

Nice to have you with us smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

Without shit, we wouldn't be here ;)
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post Mon 21 Oct 2002, 13:55
Post #10


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We were all newbies once smile.gif.

You need to have OMS installed and configured to use Reason. I assume it came with the demo. If not you can still find it on the web at www. Install and follow the directions. You may also need to install a USB driver for the Oxy8.

Once OMS is setup correctly, you can go to Edit:Preferences in Reason and select the Oxy8 as your MIDI input device.

After you've done all that, do a web search for articles on MIDI or invest in any of the many excellent books on MIDI. It will save you a lot of time and probably a few flames.
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