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post Sun 27 Jan 2008, 19:45
Post #1


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Hello everyone,
I f anyone has a suggestion in this matter it would be greatly appreciated: I'm running Reason 3.0 on a Mac, with a PreSonus Firebox as my audio interface. I have Cubase SE for some post editing, but usually don't use it nowadays unless I am recording vocals or instruments. My question is this: is there a real time audio spectrum analyzer for the Mac? I'm looking for software that I can use with my current setup so that I can visually analyze what is playing on Reason (in realtime, not as an exported audio file), and tweak the audio within Reason before exporting the file for later editing. All the software and VST demos I have downloaded and tried out don't register the audio coming directly from Reason, regardless of how I set up the I/O in the preferences.
Again, any suggestions in this matter are greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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Mac Daddy
post Mon 28 Jan 2008, 06:55
Post #2

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{Hello everyone, I f anyone has a suggestion in this matter it would be greatly appreciated: I'm running Reason 3.0 on a Mac, with a PreSonus Firebox as my audio interface. I have Cubase SE for some post editing, but usually don't use it nowadays unless I am recording vocals or instruments. My question is this: is there a real time audio spectrum analyzer for the Mac? I'm looking for software that I can use with my current setup so that I can visually analyze what is playing on Reason (in realtime, not as an exported audio file), and tweak the audio within Reason before exporting the file for later editing. All the software and VST demos I have downloaded and tried out don't register the audio coming directly from Reason, regardless of how I set up the I/O in the preferences. Again, any suggestions in this matter are greatly appreciated. Thank you}

I think we got your message the FIRST time, guess you wanted to drive the point home. First and main question. "Which Mac do you have? The newer Mac's don't work with VST unless you have a VST/AU Adapter. I know that FXPansion has one. Several years ago Macintosh went from ASIO and VST to AU. The ONLY way around this was the VST/AU Adapter. Perhaps there is another way around this issue, I just made the VST/AU Adapter purchase. It's an inexpensive solution to your problem...

I know many don't like to buy, purchase gear, especially former PC owners, it's understandable when you could get and make FREE stuff work... I was always jealous of that... However, with a Mac you must "Keep It Real" regarding Software...

VST without VST/AU Adapter... Aint Gonna Happen.
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post Mon 28 Jan 2008, 15:53
Post #3

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Hello unitypunk,

Try INSPECTOR XL from Roger Nichols Digital. It's a plugin that has the following features all in real time:

FFT Analyzer
Third Octave Analyzer
Lissajous/XY, Vector and
Polar Phase Scope
K-System Meter
Digital PPM Meter
Custom Metering
Vertical and Horizontal
Level Meters
Stereo Image(Mid-Side) Meters
Balance Meter
Correlation Meter
Comprehensive Alarms
Integrated Color Picker
Completely Customizable

I use it constantly. Maybe a bit expensive at $249. but,
I couldn't mix or E.Q. without it. You can try it for 14 days free at


This post has been edited by DANO10: Mon 28 Jan 2008, 15:56
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Mac Daddy
post Wed 30 Jan 2008, 06:35
Post #4

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OK DANO10... I'm totally envious... INSPECTOR XL sounds awesome. Actually I don't consider $249.00 expensive. When you consider all the technology, salaries, license fees, rent, equipment, shipping, lawyers, etc., these struggling companies must pay, $249.00 is already a bargain.

Especially if it might help get your sound heard of the trillions of notes flying around in the air waves. I was looking at the Waves Software. Insane. So expensive, I have got to have it, but first I will need to hire a Professional Engineer who KNOWS how to use it. I will have to pay him for at least two weeks, as he redoes all my Tracks so how much will that cost. Two thousand Euros, that's much more in dollars oh yes, the Waves Software, ON SPECIAL OFFER..... 9500 Euros.

So, I figure when I get 15 Thousand Euros, I will get all my music Reworked, get two weeks watching and asking questions and get a new Mastered CD with Professional Industry Standard Software. I would glady pay to get that quality sound. That's what the Monster Hits all have. I am not talkin bout no DJ house mix using Reason. The Mega Studios. For them 10 Thousand is a Bargain. They get 200 Thousand for 6 Weeks Recording, in one of their 3 In House Studios. That is what we are up against guys, so make sure your music productions are tight. We may not be able to get the Sonics the Professional Studios get, but, we can get better mixes and colour into our music because we have time to work and rework our music.
We do not have to have ten songs, just two that are more than a Loop. And if it is a Loop make sure it is a detailed Loop. Chang the Velocity ever so slightly in each bar the whole song. It will take time. Many hours, but not as long as it takes to search for and try out new sounds. Turn the Instant Loop Soup into a tasty, spicy, slow simmered soup filled with a real touch, not just a jackage dumped into boiling water and stir wait 3 minutes and serve. You must detail the Loops if you are doing Pure MIDI. It really helps to incorporate sound Audio with the MIDI.

Most PC User are not use to paying for Software. When I first purchased a Macintosh LC 630 there was nothing free. Nothing. I was laughed at for having a Mac. The only games were childrens games and educational games. True, I acquired knowledge and understanding, but I wanted to blow up buildings, fly into combat in a fighter jet like the PC Users, but nooooo, I was playing Pong Tennis. PC Users had all this great STUFF and FREE. So, I understand how and why they, I will not say the name anymore today, I have already uttered it far too many times in this STUPID Post, but they who carried the dreaded Virus, ssh, ssh, ssh, do not be affraid that does not happen here in MacLand the Virus free guys. It is like how sex was in the good old days. The worst thing that would happen is a baby would result, maybe even marriage, today you have sex your genitalia explodes. I digress. Virus free. Thank you, good night, may your technical problems be few and don't steal software.
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post Wed 3 Sep 2008, 06:14
Post #5


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From: St. Paul - US
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You can also try Spectre.

It's very purposefully a standalone application and can be used with AUNetSend/Receive.
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