Pt Et Os X 10.4.10 |
Fri 27 Jul 2007, 16:29
Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 16-Jul 07
From: FR
Member No.: 93,051
je viens de faire le pas ... de pomme ...
macbook Intel Core 2 Duo à 2,16 GHz 1 Go de mémoire carte externe M audio audiophile firewire pro tools M powered
j'installe PT ... tout semble se passer parfaitement bien
je lance l'application et ... RIEN ...
en attente de reponse de Digidesign je cherche solution à mon probleme ... et peut etre que PT n'est pas(encore) compatible avec la version de mon OS à savoir 10.4.10 (fourni avec la nouvelle machine)
ma question :
quelqu'un utilise t il PT avec cet OS ??? sinon est il possible de passer à 10.4.9 qui semble fonctionner ...
Merci à vous !
Fri 27 Jul 2007, 16:41
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From: Ciré D Aunis - FR
Member No.: 10,621
Salut, Un p'tit tour sur le site Digi et on trouve ça: QUOTE June 20, 2007 — Mac OS X 10.4.10 (released by Apple today) has not been tested by Digidesign and is therefore not officially qualified with Digidesign products The only known issue at this time has to do with Pro Tools failure to launch in some cases due to improper pre-binding. See "Other Apple Software & Pro Tools Launch Failure" below for more information. plus loin: QUOTE Other Apple Software & Pro Tools Launch Failure Mac OS X 10.4.10 has not been tested and qualified by Digidesign, but the same launch failure issues can occur if you have updated to Mac OS X 10.4.10. Apple has posted the following information that updating to QuickTime 7.2 can also cause the pre-binding issue:
Mac OS X: Some applications may not open after QuickTime 7.2 Update
If you have updated to Mac OS X 10.4.10 and/or QuickTime 7.2, and Pro Tools will not launch, downloading and running the Mac OS X Prebinding Script may resolve the issue:
[url=http://www.paceap.com/prebind_script.dmg] ça peut peut etre resoudre ton pb... sinon: Seule solution: réinstall complete en 10.4.9 Bah voila, t'as trouvé de quoi t'occuper ce WE l'ami!!
This post has been edited by saturax: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 16:45
Fri 27 Jul 2007, 16:59
Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 16-Jul 07
From: FR
Member No.: 93,051
Merci de vos reponse, mais bien sur j'avais vu tous ca sur le site de digiD, c'est d'ailleur ce que je dis à la personne de M audio qui me reponsds : "Non non, c’est surtout une protection pour Digidesign, enfin je n’en sait pas plus que vous...il m’étonnerait qu’avec la dernière version du M-Powered, le logiciel ne se lance pas.
N’hésitez pas à me tenir informé, svp."
??? je comprends pas trop
donc mon idée de depart c'est d'installer 10.4.9 mais je viens d'avoir ce macbook et dessus il y 10.4.10 d'origine si je peux dire
je voudrais bien installer 10.4.9 mais comment on fait ???
Fri 27 Jul 2007, 19:22
Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 16-Jul 07
From: FR
Member No.: 93,051
pt m powered fonctionne avec os x 10,4,10 yeepeee mega content ca marche avec la maj chez mac : * Download and install the Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update. Note: You can install the Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update even if your computer is already running Mac OS X 10.4.10. * If the issue still occurs after running the Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update, follow the steps below. Note: These steps include entering commands in the Terminal application. If you are unfamiliar with Terminal and UNIX-style environments, proceed with caution. 1. Save your work. You will need to restart the computer at the end. 2. Open Terminal from /Applications/Utilities/. 3. Type (or cut and paste) the following command in the Terminal window: sudo update_prebinding -root / -force 4. Press Return. 5. Enter your password when prompted. 6. The prebinding operation may take a few minutes. When the operation is complete, a new command line prompt will appear. 7. When the new command line prompt appears, quit Terminal. 8. Restart your computer. This document will be updated as more information becomes available. merci à tous de votre aide
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