Can Anyone Walk Me . . ., Live 5.2+ProTools |
Fri 22 Sep 2006, 18:02


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Posts: 43
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From: IT
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fishboisfo, first of all, LIVE and Pro Tools sync both as slave and master, which means, you start PT and LIVE follows, and viceversa; you make a selection in PT, and you get the same selection in LIVE, and reverse; that thanks to the REWIRE plugin present into PT; to record LIVE audio output into Pro Tools (in sync with it), do as follows:
1- create a stereo Aux Input track in PT 2- insert the Ableton LIVE Rewire plugin 3- open LIVE program (at startup it will recognise the open Rewire plugin and will get the sync from PT) 4- automatically LIVE takes the same PT tempo bpm 5- in the LIVE Arrangement window, drop into an audio track the sample loop you want to record in PT, now you can see the Aux track bar led moving as your sample runs; if you record only one track at a time, you can leave the LIVE track audio output to Master 6- in PT, set the Aux track output to (e.g.) bus 1-2, then create a stereo audio track and select the same bus 1-2 as its input 7- put PT in record mode and click on the record tab, now your LIVE sample is recorded into PT
if you need to record more LIVE audio tracks simultaneously, you must create other aux/audio tracks in PT, in the LIVE pluging window, as output , instead of Mix L - Mix R , you'll select Bus 03 - Bus 04 for the first track, Bus 05 - Bus 06 for the next, and so on; now do the same in LIVE tracks, just expand a track, click in the Master tab and you will see 3 options: Rewire Out, Master and Sends Only; choose Rewire Out and give it the same buses you selected in PT.
it's that simple!
This post has been edited by zeze: Fri 22 Sep 2006, 18:03
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