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> Jeronimo 2000 And Mac Os X And Protools And Digi 0
post Tue 20 Aug 2002, 14:59
Post #1

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Posts: 262
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From: PlessisRobinson(france) - FR
Member No.: 447

Voici le status sur cette carte :
Désolé en Anglais.
Faites passer à vos copains musiciens qui ne sont pas sur cette liste

Hello Appian

I could had thought that Appian would change it's mind. Appian is going to kill itself with decisions like that.

Users like me have spend a lot of $ to buy this card and mine is only a year old now.

So what should I do with my Jeronimo 2000 put it to trash.

I have put all 8605 Logic users, 1059 Logic French users, 2419 Sound diver users, Digi 001 user list, all French Macintosh music maker users in copy of this mail

Appian Graphics EMEA Technical Support wrote:

Hi Cyril

As with the other E-mails you have sent, there will not be any support on
the Jeronimo 2000 MAC cards on MAC OS X. This product is end of lifed.
Your previous feedback has been passed onto our development team and the US
office is CC'ed on this E-mail. Appian Graphics no longer produces products
for the Apple Macintosh market.

Best Regards

Appian Graphics EMEA Technical Support Team

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cyril Blanc" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 5:55 AM
Subject: Jeronimo 2000


Is the Appian Jeronimo 2000 compatible MAC OS X ?


Cyril Blanc

92350 Plessis Robinson

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brian holden
post Tue 20 Aug 2002, 15:08
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From: Paris - FR
Member No.: 529

les trucs pas supportés par mac os X , t'as pas fini ! si tu t'angoisses pour si peu ...
déja, tiens ! ton logic , tu crois qu'il va être encorecompatible , ou upgradé ? Non, mr apple va te demander d'en racheter un tout neuf pour le X .. Pareil pour les cartes sons, les plugs, les interfaces midi .
et j'en oublie....

brian Holden
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