4.61 - Program Error, Haven't seen this one before! |
Sun 23 Apr 2006, 15:18
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 23-Apr 06
From: Cardiff - UK
Member No.: 79,335
Hi guys,
Hope you'll be able to help.
I am running DP 4.6 on a G4, OSX Tiger.
I'm getting an error message I haven't encountered before:
"Program error: invalid internal state
MotuAudioSystem Mas MasBiteQueuelter .cpp 339 [6.0]
For some reason, it's taking an age to save my current project and the copying and pasting functions are also taking a very long time to operate.
Funnily enough, DP is running very smoothly on playback etc
Hope someone is able to help!
Mon 24 Apr 2006, 16:15
Group: Members
Posts: 11
Joined: 21-Apr 06
From: Louveira - BR
Member No.: 79,296
Hi! Try to change the buffer. You have to go to hardware config, then change it. The bigger the value, the less power processor will be used and, but latency will grow up. Hope you solve the problem.
Mon 24 Apr 2006, 16:24
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 23-Apr 06
From: Cardiff - UK
Member No.: 79,335
Hi there,
Thanks, yeah I tried that one but to no avail!
MOTU support in the UK think it may be a corruption within the particular project I'm running. I think they're right, as when I load up a different track the problems disappear.
If I find out what the error message actually means, I'll post it back up here.
Thanks again
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