Firebox/cubase Le On Mac Book Pro?, wondering about Cubase support for Intel |
Tue 11 Apr 2006, 05:07
Group: Members
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From: Cincinnati - US
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Dear friends, According to Steinberg's website, "support for Intel based Macs is in preparation": http://www.steinberg.net/547+M52087573ab0.htmlDoes anyone have futher info on this? For those of us who just bought the Firebox, will we need a new version of Cubase? I'm enjoying using my Firebox and Cubase LE on my G3 iBook for simple audio work, but obviously I'll need something more powerful soon and am thinking about the Mac Book Pro. I just don't want to get caught in this cycle of hardware/software/interface never aligning - it seems one piece of the puzzle is always too powerful, not powerful enough, or incompatible. Right now my computer seems to be the weak link, because both the Firebox and Cubase are very powerful. My fear is that Mac Book Pro will leapfrog both these. Thoughts?
Tue 16 May 2006, 18:08
Group: Members
Posts: 23
Joined: 16-May 06
From: Plymouth - UK
Member No.: 79,815
Hi, i seem to be running Cubase SE 1.07a with no problems on the Macbook....well so far at least....however i'm awaiting for the new Logic Express 7.2.1 to be released shortly, then making the brave move.
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