Md Player & Studio Monitors, Production |
Wed 1 Mar 2006, 12:49

Group: Members
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From: Hyères - FR
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I have been told by a dance studio I recently started working for to obtain an MD player as all venues for competitions use them.
Can anyone advise as to what kind of models I could suggest? ALso, would it be in my interest as a music producer to buy one? What are their benefits? Drawbacks? I don't actually understand the technology...
As for studio monitors....any suggestions? Not too pricey....
thanks, M
Wed 1 Mar 2006, 16:33

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I presume that you mean a mini disc player. There are several walkman type that both record and playback from all the usual suspects. Sony, Sharp, Panasonic etc. They are going the way of cassettes though as most people now use the mp3 format for personal music. Still Mini discs have their advantages and are usefull for field recording and such. There are aslo better player/recorders for home use. The little walkman ones are good though if you need a portable recorder. They are small and don't sound bad.
Wed 1 Mar 2006, 22:22

Group: Members
Posts: 21
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From: Bergen - NO
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If`Im not mistaken, the SonyMD format is suaposed to be almost cd quality, in a realtime digital recorder. Just hook one up to the 2Track/rec outs on any mixer and press record for a great stereomix from whatever you are attending. Damn i miss my MD.
@ home: iBook G4+FastTrack+Logic 7 - Just for fun
in the studio: Dual G5+PT7LE+Logic 7+Live+Reason - They Get The Job Done ______________________________________ www.rabalderstudio.com
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