G4 Tower And Protools Problem |
Sun 5 Feb 2006, 23:05

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From: Chicago - US
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Hey, I ran into a little trouble with my studio setup. I am running a Digidesign 002 with a powerbook. But then I said, well might aswell try hooking up my old g4 too. So i install pro tools and all, but then when I try and make a new session, it says that my harddisk is not audio recordable? Any one else had this problem? any sugestion/solution would be great! Thanks!
Mon 6 Feb 2006, 01:28

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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"Your HD is not a valid audio drive" ?  First, verify with command+i on the hard drive that it can be read and written by all in "owner and permissions" Second, use the Apple drive utility, and repair the hard drive, it may have addresses problems.
Mon 13 Feb 2006, 23:01

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From: Hanover - US
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I had a similar problem, I just needed to update to 6.9.2 and it cleared it up. try opening up PT and go to Windows, then to Show Workspace if there is an A next to your drive, switch it to an R, for record, on both of the two spaces.
Tue 14 Feb 2006, 03:16

Group: Members
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From: Chicago - US
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cool, thanks guys!
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