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> Digi Oo2 For Monitoring
post Sat 6 Aug 2005, 13:50
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Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 25-Jul 05
From: Killeenhugh - IE
Member No.: 68,121

Someone tell me how to configure Digi002 surface for sends to studio/recording headfones?
Also how to hook up external fx processors to Digi002
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post Sat 6 Aug 2005, 20:57
Post #2

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From: Los Angeles - US
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Do you want headphone mixes that are different from the monitor mix? Are you using just the Digi 002 or do you have a console or monitor box like the Big Knob? If you just have the Digi 002 and want seperate headphone and monitor mixes you will need to choose the outputs you want to use for your headphones and route them from the aux sends on all the channels in Pro Tools. Lets say outputs 7/8 are the outputs you chose. Any channel you want to go to the headphones you would need to make and aux send off that channel going to output 7/8 instead of using the buses. You would then need to connect outputs 7/8 to a headphone box. If you don't need seperate headphone and monitor mixes it's much easier. There is of course the headphone output on the front of the Digi 002 but there is also an extra main output that is rca that you can connect to a headphone box if you don't need seperate mixes. If you want to connect external FX to your Digi 002 you would do it the same way as you do to create a seperate headphone mix by choosing an output for the send to your device and sending it to your device from each channels aux sends. Then you choose inputs on your Digi 002 you want to use to bring the FX back into Pro Tools and connect your FX device to it. Next make an Auxiliary Track in Pro Tools and select the inputs you connected your FX device to. The problem with this is latency. All of your FX are going to be delayed a bit so depending on what kind of effect it is and how much of the original signal is present in the effect could cause a phaser type effect. This is all if you don't have a console of some sort if you do it is much easier to do all of this from your console as there won't be any latency issues with the headphones and FX. I hope this has been of some help and I didn't tell you a bunch of stuff you either already knew or weren't really asking about.

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