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> Advice Please
post Sun 31 Jul 2005, 07:12
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From: Melbourne - AU
Member No.: 67,859

Hi everyone.

I'm using a G4 PowerBook (867 MHz, 1 Gig RAM) with Pro Tools LE 6.4 and Reason 2.5.

I find Pro Tools a good application to use. Interface is good, work flow (for me) is OK, and I am still learning how to better use it's features all the time. However, on my PowerBook, Pro Tools often grinds to a halt pretty quicky when using 3rd party plugins (e.g. ohmforce and camel audio plugs) and quicky becomes frustrating. I have been considering upgrading to iMac (or even PowerMac - but ofcourse money is an issue) and running Pro Tools 6.9. However, I am concerned that if I do this, I'll just find myself in the same position as I am now. That is, have brand new fast Mac (as was my PowerBook when I first bought it), and still only to run relatively few plug ins due to Pro Tools' supposedly poor CPU efficiently.

So firstly, just wanting to know if other users have found this assumption (upgrading to faster Mac, but also updating Pro Tools makes little difference to plug in count) to be true.

and secondly, should I hand over extra money and purchase Logic Pro 7 (I have read on other posts that it is more CPU efficient, especially when running Logic plugins) to compose in (using both Logic instruments, and Reason), and exporting audio files to Pro Tools. Would also be running Logic Pro 7 through Mbox.

Of course there's the problem of learning a new application, and also the decision of buying and iMac or PowerMac (especially considering Logic can take advantage of dual processors of PowerMac). I know Logic isn't going to make my music any better either, but the idea is to be less frustrated, and hopefully I will have no reason, or need to buy any 3rd party plugins again.

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

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post Sun 31 Jul 2005, 15:27
Post #2

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To change to a computer of more power, always it's good. Logic 7 with a G5 of 2,7 GHz, is insurmountable. You will be run practically all plugs that you want, in addition to have with Logic, a collection of plugs impressive.
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post Mon 1 Aug 2005, 00:06
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Yep, a dual 2,7 - that would be great, but not really an option considering the price. I was considering a 2.0 Ghz iMac (to run Logic), and would pronbably only able to afford the dual 2.0 GHz PowerMac if I went for a dual.

Can any one giv me an idea of how may plugins would be possible inb Logic Pro 7and Pro Tools LE 6.9 respectively? I like my dub, so would be more along the lines of reverb, delay and anything that sounds interesting (as opposed to pads etc.).

Thanks again.
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post Mon 1 Aug 2005, 01:12
Post #4


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From: Edessa - GR
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what about a 1,7 powerbook with logic?
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post Mon 1 Aug 2005, 15:10
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also, don't underestimate what a fast (7200 rpm, large buffer) hard drive can do for overall speed when working with audio files. Disregard this if you already use one, but you didn't mention it, so I assume you are recording to your internal HD? Try OWC for great prices and fast firewire (800 preferably) hard drives.
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post Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:46
Post #6


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Thanks Skive31 and dockiki.

1,7 powerbook with Logic would be good, but for that money I would really like a G5.

and yep, I do use an external drive (it really helps with the track count), but doesn't do much to help plugin performance.

anyone else have any feedback re CPU efficiency of Logic Pro 7 v and Pro Tools 6.4 - 6.9 LE on G5 (iMac or PowerMac)?
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