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post Fri 10 Jun 2005, 07:56
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Installing DAWs and Plug-ins on new dual G5?
Hello everybody
I’ve just bought a dual Mac G5 2.7 Ghz
Before this computer I had a Mac G4 laptop where I was running some applications.
Now I’m ready to reinstall some of those apps into my new computer like
(Pro Tools,Digital Performer,Reason,Silver orchestra )
and add some new like(waves platinum,ableton live,BFD and spectrasonics trilogy and atmosphere )
Now - I’ve been installing apps myself on the laptop as I was buying the software but don’t really have experience installing so many DAWs and Plug - ins at the same time and on the dual Mac.
So here is my question – is there any order or rules to follow as far as installing the software on dual Mac to avoid future problems ?

This week I’ve talked to Digidesign where I found out that pro tools LE will work with Tiger in about one month and I’ve been also advised that I should wait with all the other plug-ins and first install the Pro tools.
So does anybody has experience with that ?Is there any chance I can install DP and Ableton live first as my DAWs and then rest of the plugs without waiting one whole month for the pro tools or is it really better to install first all the DAWs and then plug –ins?
Maybe it’s sounds a bit confusing but if anybody has a experience with that I would really appreciate your answers.

Thanks for your time.
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post Fri 10 Jun 2005, 08:38
Post #2

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You can go ahead with performer and reason, ableton then all the synths and plug ins. You'll probably need an internet connection too to get plug in updates and fixes ( atmosphere and silver AU updates ). When Pro Tools catches up you can install that. Actually, have you checked if performer is happy with OS Tigger grr? And all the other stuff for that matter, Tigger is a bit new.

What about booting the G5 up from your laptop drive and running your apps from there? You'll get Pro Tools that way as it'll still be Panther.You connect them via firewire, if you hold down 'T' on your laptop as it boots it goes into 'target' mode and behaves like a firewire drive.

Simon Flinn
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