1 Gb Hi Mini Disc, Computer Hardware |
_news_ |
Wed 14 Apr 2004, 12:59
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_tom bennett_ |
Wed 14 Apr 2004, 12:59
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I think this is a good idea because so many people r buying these mp3 players, so the minidisc is losing profit. it could have been better if the sound quailty was better but you can't win them all
Wed 23 Mar 2005, 22:59
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 3 Joined: 22-May 04 From: Warsaw - PL Member No.: 43,715 |
Briliant idea, specially that the new players are backward compatible (one can even format old MD to Hi MD, however with much lower capacity but anyway kind a solution).
Only the final product slightly less attractive (box made of poor plastic, I'm talking lower models) and what's the most important no Mac support- what a shame !!! This is a proof what's a result of great idea poor execution (or maybe sth. stands behind such a business decisions). But I'm still counting, Sony will notice the more demanding part of the consumer market as well |
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