What's This Worth??, question |
Thu 3 Mar 2005, 22:46
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 03-Mar 05
From: Amsterdam - NL
Member No.: 61,714
hello hello hello there, I am hoping to find an expert here, I am a dutch girl who found the remaings of an atari cubase music computer thing upstairs, I don't know how to use it, and i don't know if it's worth anything, or if i should just put it outside with the other rubbish... Ok, here's what I have: i've got 2 small green things from Soundpool/falcon (?), one is called MO4 (4 midioutputs), the second is an interface (Falcon S/PDIF Interface), and an other thing i've got is slightly bigger and also green and called falcon 8 analog, with 8 output channels. thanx a bunch if you can help me out telling me roughly what this is? x and all the best
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