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> From Midi Tot Wav Within Cubasis Av
post Tue 1 Feb 2005, 15:46
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From: Amsterdam - NL
Member No.: 59,613

I've made some MIDI-songs within Cubasis AV on the Mac (OS.9.2). Now I try to transform them into wav-files in order to burn them on a
CD. Has anyone a suggestion how to do it? Thanks in advance!
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post Wed 2 Feb 2005, 06:45
Post #2


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From: West Hartford - US
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I do this anytime I use midi instruments.
It will give you a more robust audio quality and
allow you to further manipulate the tracks.

In your program, solo the midi part that you want to record.
it can be stereo or mono. Create a destination audio track
and route the output of your hardware synth to the track.
If it's a virtual synth (source), you can route the output via
internal bussing.
Solo the destination track and arm it for recording.
Record! It's important to monitor each pass in solo mode and to make sure that your midi track is NOT in record.
It will take several passes and you can do multiple tracks at once if you are using several sound sources. Probably a good idea to do this in grid mode. That will allow for easier manipulation later.

You will end up with a much better mix as you will have more options with real audio and better stereo, depth of field and control.
Don't be afraid to eliminate the 'false stereo' synth tracks and use
external fx to acheive true stereo.
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