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> Logic Pro 7 & Reason 2.5 Problems?
post Tue 25 Jan 2005, 05:26
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Group: Members
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Joined: 25-Jan 05
From: Ww2e - AR
Member No.: 59,143

Hi there!

I'm buying Logic Pro 7. I've read in many forums that someone is having some problems using Reason in rewire mode with Logic Pro, especially concerning the cycling.

I've read post like these:

When I try to loop a sequence created in Reason 2.5 Rewired to Logic 7 the Reason sequence will play fine but it wont cycle/loop, while Logic will continue to loop normally. I never had a problem with this in the year that I had been working on Logic 6. In fact - if i open an old project (created in Logic 6) in Pro 7 it will cycle just fine. it's only when I try to write something brand new. Anyone have any suggestions?

or like the one that you can read here

I'd like to know if everyone is having this kind of problem.

I use reason since I was working on pc, I'd like to continue!

Now I've got a G5 dual 2ghz 1,5 gb Ram

thanks a lot!
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B3 Basher
post Wed 26 Jan 2005, 21:43
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From: Surrey - UK
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I've seen this post lurking here for a few days and wondered whether my opinion was worth expressing regarding your fears.

Firstly, yes the cycle bug is present. Secondly, who cares?

In my humble opinion, Logic Pro is for writing songs and it's a damn fine sequencer. Reason may be a sequencer, but for me it's strong points are the fact you can mash up your beats into a variety of genres getting professional results fast. Logic is the platform to transform that original groove that's bashing around in Reason into a song.

So get bouncing (as described in the other thread) use those audio tracks in Logic to get the sound right and you can't go wrong......

Mind you, the Malstrom would be nice as an AUDIO UNIT. smile.gif

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