Yamaha 01v to G4 hard drive, Question from new user |
Tue 3 Jul 2001, 07:38
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 01-Jul 01
From: Las Vegas
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I am fairly new to music and recording (but a Mac user for 15 years)I want to record my drums using my Yamaha 01V digital mixer to my G4 (9.1, 733, DVD-RAM, 500+ RAM. I understand that there are cards for the 01V to send out multiple tracks ( I want 8 at least) What is the best way to get multiple tracks from the Yamaha to the Mac? I am smart ( yes we all think that of ourselves but I was a math major and I am now a doctor so I can comprehend somewhat) but fairly acronym and jargon impaired so a simple explanation would best for me at this stage of things. Thanks Mike mclifford@mdlv.com
Fri 5 Oct 2001, 23:45
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We have an O1v and are looking to integrate it into the Mac. I was going to offer my suggestion for what we found to be the best solution, but looks likt Mike beet me too it.
We are going to get a my8at, Robbie at Mountain Beach had the best price I found, www.mtbeach.com.
We are also going to get the Motu 828, nice piece of hardware, plugs in via fire wire, so it's very portable. The Digi001 was are second choice. www.performanceaudio.com had the best price on both. They are ProTools fanatics though, and will probably convince you to get the Digi001. I still prefer what I get with the Motu device over the Digi and Protools.
I hope this helps, Good luck with your setup!
Greg Montgomery
Mon 8 Oct 2001, 18:23
Group: Members
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From: Las Vegas
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I sold the Yamaha O1v and got a Mackie 1642 (analog) and a MOTU 1224. I also got digital Performer 3.0 and so far have been able to bring both audio and MIDI in. Still need some experience with the more advanced functions but at least I'm recording to the hard drive. Yhanks Mike
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