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> Mbox, Pro Tools, And Midi Keyboard
post Wed 10 Mar 2004, 04:51
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Group: Members
Posts: 18
Joined: 27-Apr 03
From: Worthington - US
Member No.: 16,835

i can't figure out what to do with midi in pro tools. i just got a keystation 49e
because it was cheap, and pro tools recognizes it, and i recorded notes, but
what do i have to do to hear them. i'm assuming that i can do midi on pro tools with the mbox even though there is no midi in/out on the mbox because 1. the keyboard is plugged into my usb port on my ibook, and pro tools recognizes it, and 2. why else would digidesign ship all of this software with the mbox, like reason, and sampletank, which i believe need a midi keyboard to trigger sounds.
i'm completely lost on this one, and would appreciate some help. thanks.
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post Wed 10 Mar 2004, 15:11
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From: Charlotte - US
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yo, creatae a new audio track (stereo or mono depending on what you're doing) and add sampletank, reason, or DeltaLive as a plugin to the empty AUDIO track. next add a MIDIi track, and set the OUTPUT of this track to be the specific plugin instrument (or in the case of reason, the specific module) that you just created on the new audio track. boom! you should hear sounds from the virtual instrument you just created.
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post Thu 11 Mar 2004, 19:16
Post #3


Group: Members
Posts: 18
Joined: 27-Apr 03
From: Worthington - US
Member No.: 16,835

good advice, thanks kingtrae
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