Os X Won't Recognize Midi Interfaces, audio interface |
Wed 10 Dec 2003, 21:45

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not sure if others are having this problem but I tried both the Tascam US-122 and the M-Audio Audiophile and can't seem to get either to show up on my Mac while both work on my PC. The USB seems to be working as other devices are functional (Printer, scanner, etc...all of which are interfaced for software on OS 9 classic). I am running 10.2.8 and have tried the latest drivers....tech support for each device seems to be baffled, could this be a OS support issue (hopefully not since MAC support means $$$...)
Thu 11 Dec 2003, 00:53

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tried two different cables, and both ports...the ports are working....
Sat 13 Dec 2003, 13:07

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I also have a G4 iMac with OS X 10.2.8 running Cubase SE and an M-Audio Audiophile USB. I have downloaded the latest drivers from the M-Audio web site, but can't try the earlier drivers because they don't download properly. The Audiophile works with midi in, but not out, and doesn't work with audio at all - I have to use the iMac's internal audio. However the Audiophile audio works with iTunes. I will try switching USB cables and see what happens....
Sun 21 Dec 2003, 01:35

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Have you tried going to Audio MIDI setup and manually adding the interface, or are you expecting the system to automatically recognize it? Because I don't think that it will. Make sure you select "add new interface" from the menu in AMS, add whatever instruments are connected to it and route them to the correct ports, and see if that doesn't take care of it.
Wed 11 Feb 2004, 00:15

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I have just downloaded a new driver from the M-Audio web site version 1.5.7f1 (only recently put there), and so far Cubase SE and my Audiophile USB seem to be working OK with my Mac OS X v10.2.8. Thanks for the suggestions.
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