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> Dp4 Can't Find My Midi Source
post Thu 29 May 2003, 23:31
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From: Astoria - US
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I just got dp4. Fired it up with a yamaha motif. Audio Midi setup finds the motif without incident. But when i open dp, I can't assign the motif ins and outs to any midi track. The DP midi monitor finds the motif, and even does its happy blinking light trick when i plink on the keys.

any advice or reactions would be most helpful.

thank you

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post Sun 1 Jun 2003, 12:08
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I have the same setup. Motif8, DP4 (with mk3). Similar problem. Audio midi setup finds Motif, Yamaha rep said I would also find dp4 represented there but there was not.

I loaded the OSX drivers but need to confirm the folder the USB drivers from Yamaha should be in on my Mac.

On the motif side, I found the midi out settings in song mode but how do I set the midi In?

I have requests in to Motu and Yamaha currently.

I'm hoping I can get to pull down menues for voice selection
in DP4 so I can start working.

Hope Yamaha will release voice editor for OSX shortly.
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post Mon 2 Jun 2003, 21:21
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I'm having a similar problem with my MIDI setup and DP4.
To anyone familiar with Core MIDI or Digital Performer 4 with OSX.

Where are the OSX CoreMIDI patchlists for synthesizers?
I use MOTU's Digital Performer and just recently upgraded to DP4. Well, now they say I don't need to use OMS or FreeMIDI anymore (that's where the patchlists for all musical MIDI gear were kept). They say that the new CoreMIDI doesn't need OMS or FreeMIDI, so now I ask where are the synth patch lists in OSX?
In DP, I used to be able to click on the Patch or Default Patch column next to the MIDI track I was recording onto, for example, my Kurzweil K2500. Upon clicking there, a big list of sound patches (ie Piano, E Bass, Strings, etc.) would pop up showing me all the hundreds of synth programs on my Kurzweil.
Now, with OSX and DP4, I click there and ... no patches pop up. I've tried everything to find the patch lists to no avail.
I tried checking all the DP4 preferences, MIDI assignments, etc., but I can see nothing.
I figured that maybe the patchlists are now stored in the Audio & MIDI Setup page of OSX. But there's nothing there that refers to MIDI patches or instruments. I thought that clicking on "Scan MIDI" would have it locate all my hardware synths via MIDI, but it doesn't seem to find my MIDI gear. This has got me major baffled!

Is there anyone out there who can shed some light on my problem?
[I'm using a Dual 500Mhz PowerPC G4 with Mac OSX 10.2.3, a MOTU MIDI Timepiece AV MIDI interface, a MOTU 828 audio interface, and MOTU's Digital Performer 4.]

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post Tue 3 Jun 2003, 09:02
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From: Cas Català Nou (Calvià) - ES
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I ALSO have the same problem. I have a G4 400 Mhz, 704 RAM, OS X.2.6., DP4 and M-Audio's Delta 1010 Sound Card plus a Roland EG-1010 Groovekeyboard. Although the Audio MIDI keyboard finds the Delta 1010 without problems, when it comes to "plug" the keyboard in the Sound Card, I can't find the Roland Keyboard in the Roland's keyboards list, but even so I try to do the configuartion. Now, when it comes to DP4, and do the "autoMIDI configuration" thing, I see the light of MIDI OUT of the DELTA 1010 blink on an off, but then it does not show up in the list, and when it comes to ins and outs in the MIDI of the "interaplication MIDI", there's nothing there, but then again, in the "MIDI monitor", the lights blink on an off when I play the keyboard. It's like it finds it, but still misses something to work right.
The result: when I play a demo in DP4, the keyboard plays in sync with the computer, but you can only hear the sound of the keyboard through the keyboard's speakers (the groovekeyboard has two speakers attached), but not in the sound system I am connected to. And plus, when I play the keyboard alone, no sound comes out of the keyboard (of course, I have it local off, so it should be syncronized and the sounds routed to the DP4 and sounding through the system's speakers). LIGHT PLEASE!

Alex "Redrum".
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post Tue 3 Jun 2003, 15:03
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unsure.gif did anyone figure out how to edit patch lists in OS X and DP4
Thanx NIc
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Francois Déchery
post Tue 3 Jun 2003, 15:36
Post #6

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About patchlists, there was alrreday a thread here explaining were they are located: use the search link (at top right).
also when you'll find the thread, dont hesitate to post the link here wink.gif

Soif, MacMusic Webmaster

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post Tue 3 Jun 2003, 15:36
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I STILL can't figure out how to see the patches in DP4.
It seems like a lot of people are having this same problem. I still think it is something to do with the Audio & MIDI Setup page in OS X, but I'm not positive. Surely, someone knows what's going on.

Please help us. We are floating aimlessly in the sea.
Thanks. sad.gif
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post Mon 9 Jun 2003, 11:03
Post #8

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Patchlists in DP4 are located in -- /Library/Audio/MIDI Devices/MOTU

They are XML-documents with - *.midnam - suffix as naming convention.
[*] is your midi-device name like -- Proteus 2000.midnam.

The codes for TYPE and CREATOR for these docs are as follows:
TYPE == TEXT CREATOR == [blank]

The patchlists are pure ASCII-files editable in ANY text editor, copy & paste will work.
Be sure to save edited files as pure ascii-files.

Unisyn and similar librarians will allow you to easily make up your own customs patch-lists
in graphic environment and perhaps tweak the sounds as well.

Cheers: Dixiechicken

Oh my god it's full of stars…
Mac-G5-2x.2.0, OS-X 10.5.1, 250/200Gb HD - 7.0Gb ram
DP-5.13, Motu 828 MK-II, MTP AV Usb, ltst drvs,
Kurzweil-2000, EPS-16, Proteus-2000, Yamaha 01V
Emes Kobalt monitors
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post Wed 11 Jun 2003, 00:54
Post #9


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From: Richfield - US
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I feel your pain...

I just upgraded from dp3 to dp4 and can't get to the expansion banks on my Roland synths. I'm debating whether to go back to v3 for the time being or to try and edit the ugly looking files out in the /Library/Audio/MIDI Devices folder. I'll probably try the editing route first because it will help improve my data entry skills.

If everyone sends an e-mail or twenty to Motu about the patchlist problem, then they will hopefully direct us all to some sort of editing tool soon (or maybe ship us all free versions of Unisyn for OSX and throw in MachFive as well).

Let's be realistic - somebody in upper management at MOTU made a decision to release this product a bit too soon. If you decide to e-mail MOTU tech support, let me suggest that you try and contact the person in upper management that made the executive decision instead of hounding the tech support people. The MOTU tech people already know there is a patchlist editing problem but I doubt they can do much about it.

Also something MOTU told me last week: If you are a Unity user and are planning on switching over to MachFive in the future, you cannot take the .uds sample libraries with you. According to MOTU - MachFive will not import Unity .uds files. I suspect that this is because they are now in direct competition with Unity.

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post Wed 11 Jun 2003, 05:48
Post #10


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I also had the same problem DP4 didn't recognise my midi interface and some of my devices and my patches aren't coming out either for the recognized devices, also I'm using an Edirol UM-550 5ins/outs but it is listed as having 6 ins/outs.

Here is how I manage to fix it I don't know if this'll work for you but give it a try.

Empty your midi setup in the audiomidi setup, delete all the configurations for midi and set it to default. without any devices in the default configuration except your midi interface, close audiomidi setup and run DP4.

Click autoconfigure midi devices, wait until it finishes, after that it probably hasn't configured anything at all when its done. Then open audiomidi setup again then setup everything manually, then click to rescan all midi devices. That did it for me I now have all my midi devices working along with their patches in DP4 and so far no problems yet.

I hope this works for you too.

This post has been edited by -spike-: Wed 11 Jun 2003, 05:50
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