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> Gb!
post Wed 30 Mar 2005, 16:13
Post #1


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When I try and open a certain song that I have never had problems opening a few days ago, GB1 quits. When I try and open the song from the finder, GB1 partially loads up with no tracks, no new tracks can be created and nothing plays. It's all grey, except for the play, rewind, ff buttons.
Other songs seem to load fine.
A few days ago I archived all my GB1 songs and have them in an archive folder. I have unarchived them and tried opening songs. I have the same problem with the same song as if I loaded it up from the finder, partial load.
I'm using a iMac g4 w/768 ram.

I've rebooted from system prefences->startup disk with no luck and now I'm very scared that I may start losing a lot of hard work.

Please help, all suggestions are appreciated,


This post has been edited by silvercaster: Wed 30 Mar 2005, 16:14
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post Thu 31 Mar 2005, 03:16
Post #2

Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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Mhmm when you restarted from the CD, did you repair permissions? If so, i'd try to run first the BSD maintenance scripts using OnyX for example. (maintenance part: permissions + rebind/optimisation+scripts)

And I'll try after a restart.

Next I'll using OnyX again to do some cleaning, in the cleaning panel use the lower 2/3 options almost all are relevant (save recent server, recent elements, trash).

After that, if the problem is still there, either your files have a big problem, either it's GB which is corrumpted in some way.

- Trash the preferences of GB and retry. (must be in /library/preferences)
- reinstall GB

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post Thu 31 Mar 2005, 05:24
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I restarted from System Preferences->startup disk->Mac OS X, 10.3.8 on Macintosh HD and I do not know what or how to repair permissions. can you elaborate?

Is it easy to use the OnyX? I've never used it before? any additionl tips for a 1st time user?

Many thanks in advance,

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post Thu 31 Mar 2005, 15:41
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I d/l OnyX OnyX 1.5.0 and repaired permissions under cleaning and under another tab, I think it was maintenece. I checked optimize system and selected save recent server, recent elements. It reboot my iMac each time.

Still, just that one song only loads a partial GB1.
Could it just be that one song file is corrupted?

Any other suggestions will be much appreciated,

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post Fri 1 Apr 2005, 02:20
Post #5

Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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you can call me lpm, easier in the short form wink.gif

For permissions:

You can do it using apps/utilities/Apple Drive Utility. you can use it also by starting up using the Panther install CD, then under the apple or install menu, you have a Apple Drive Utility item. If you have another drive open, you can repair it too (but not the permissions, it's a start up HD specific save if you ask other drives to have permissions (which usully for current users is a bad idea). Don't install a new system! (at least yet wink.gif

You can also use OnyX, but in fact it's the same routines, as it issues the same commands to the unix BSD underlay of OS X. OnyX Allows to use the BSD maintenance scripts, these scripts run automtically at night at 3am if your mac is powered then. It's a good idea to either let it run once a week the scripts if you close the mac every evening. it can be altered to make the script run another time using utilities (I don't remember the name but it's about changing the Cron in OS X). To simplify, run the script using OnyX. The scripts mainly rebuild databases used by the system, trash some cache files, save some logs etc. it they are not done from time to time, it can ensure some temperamental problems because the self repair system of OS X can't run.

For optimize system: the full option (installs only do the partial).

On the "cleaning" tab of OnyX, I was saying to check every item in the bottom 2/3 of the tab. But not : recent server, recent elements, and the trash items, it's of no use here.

You lose some specific prefs of windows in the finder, that's all (it restores the default vision) and it relinks some files to their relative app (if you see what I mean wink.gif

Maybe it's clearer and you understand a little bit more what's going on.

All this is on the system side of things, and eventual finder files that can et corrupted.

Note that all this should be done with no apps running save the finder.

I hope it's clearer.

Now, in the library folder/preferences or user/library/preferences, check for the GB preferences (as I don't have GB I can't tell you it's name) and trash it. you will have to restore some prefs in GB but it's nothing.

Now, if the problem is still there, you have only 2 options, either GB itself has a problem (or the libraries of loops it's using) and the best is to reinstall GB, repair permissions with the Apple utility (don't use the Panther install CD, just the Apple utility and restart after). Or it's the file…

The best way to check if your reluctant GB file itself is corrupted is to try it on another mac using GB. If someone near you can help… unsure.gif

One last question, do you have upgraded something like RAM to your mac between the time you've done the file, and the time you've tried to re-open it ? it may be a sign of not compatible RAM. (but in my opinion, it'd be more erratic than on this file exclusively)

If GB users have ideas… they are welcome smile.gif cool.gif sad.gif

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post Wed 6 Apr 2005, 20:35
Post #6


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It works!

Holy guacamole.


Well, this is what happen.
The song that was giving me problems had a duplicate that I had saved with some compression changes on it. This was before I was having this problem. I tried the duplicate for kicks and it opened with all the tracks and settings in tact. I still do not know what happen to the original, so I just deleted it.
Could something have gone bad when I duped it?

I do not know for sure.

But let me say again, I much appreciated all your input.

Many thanks,
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