Audio Editing Project For Anyone Interested, '60s recording needs improving |
Mon 7 Oct 2002, 03:45
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 1 Joined: 07-Oct 02 From: Sacramento - US Member No.: 8,279 |
I was a member of a rock n roll band in the '60s and we recorded 2 records in a prof studio. But the recording that I had always liked best was one we did at the Sacramento State U. radio/recording area which was done VERY crudely.
I recently received a cd of that session from one of the guys that is still involved w/ music and radio. I would love to find someone that wants a challenge to take those tracks and work 'magic' on them. The lead singer is too trebly and the bass and drums are almost non-existent. The first trach escribes how we set up the recording to the best recollection of the gut that sent me the cd. I d/l'd a couple of audio editing programs, but took one look at them and realized I can't do this. It seems to me like a great prject for the audio editing hobbyist...maybe that's you. Pls email me if you're interested. The 10 tracks are currently .aiff, but if mp3 is easier for you to deal with, I think I know how to convert. They're all songs that were popular in the mid' 60's...if you can stand that. Thanks for listening... Larry |
Posts in this topic
ichatguy Audio Editing Project For Anyone Interested Mon 7 Oct 2002, 03:45
finrock Did you record in a multitrack studio? Do you thin... Sun 13 Oct 2002, 17:39
finrock Did you record in a multitrack studio? Do you thin... Sun 13 Oct 2002, 17:39
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