Almost Ready To Buy First Interface And Software, newbie questions |
Wed 16 May 2007, 15:30
Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 29-May 06
From: La Laguna - ES
Member No.: 80,100
Hello everybody,
Alright here is where i am at, i have a Mac G4 powerbook and a 1000 dollars to invest in my first interface and software (aaah!) Like several other writers i have been contemplating between: digidesign mbox with PTLE vs. MOTU ultralite with logic express.
I want to record mostly acoustic instruments (saxophone, elec and acoustic guitars etc.) but i also want to do field recordings (animals and machines) and i am certain that at some point i will work with midi. I am inspired by the work of brian eno, nigel goodrich (radiohead, beck) jim orourke and john mcentire.
Although i am looking towards doing mainly audio recordings i feel like MOTU/logic is more advantageous - 1) both are particularly MAC oriented, 2)both seem to be more flexible in working with other programs 3) tech support for both sounds more favorable- interestingly i have only found one complaint against Logic/MAC (hahaworld from last november) but i have seen much more complaints about digidesign and PTLE tech support. . . me being a newbie this is important. 4) reviews seem more positive about MOTU preamps than the digi mbox 5) MOTU has more analog i/o than the digi mbox. Does my reasoning make sense? question #1 can my MAC G4(OSX) handle logic express? i only have 512 MB and i read Lepetitmartien saying that 768 MB is not enough ( LPM, if you are reading this what were you refering to?)
question #2 i am living in spain (canary islands) and retailers/ distributors in the US dont ship overseas, does anyone know any reliable retailers in Europe ( U.K. will be too expensive!)
question #3 if i buy the MOTU interface in europe, will it be rated to work only with european voltage? or can it function in the states also?
thank you,
rodrigo ramos
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Rodrigo Ramos Almost Ready To Buy First Interface And Software Wed 16 May 2007, 15:30 apachateca hey there rodrigo- i can't answer all your qu... Wed 16 May 2007, 17:48 MacFeegle Question # 2)
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here's my 2¢
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