Pro Tools M-powered Monitoring Set Up, very basic set up advice needed |
Fri 22 Dec 2006, 05:47
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 02-Aug 02
From: South Pomfret - US
Member No.: 6,492
I'm new to Pro Tools and recording in general, and missing something very basic: Using Pro Tools M-Powered 7.3, M-Audio Audiophile Firewire interface, M-Audio Axiom25 USB keyboard. G5, Dual 2 GHz PowerPC, 3GB RAM, latest drivers for M-Audio devices. I can record a track, and I see sound levels, but cannot figure out how to monitor while recording or output sound on playback. I can monitor and play out sound when using garageband, so i know that my audiophile interface is working. In Pro Tools I can't hear anything. Pro Tools recognizes the hardware as well. Are there settings i need to adjust to send sound out through the firewire interface, either in Pro Tools or the audiophile control panel?
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