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jrjnsn Midi Files Thu 18 May 2006, 16:05 gdoubleyou Google!!! Thu 18 May 2006, 22:33 jrjnsn Should have added that I have RTFM and STFW'd,... Thu 18 May 2006, 23:59 Kate Maybe this won't help -- I don't even know... Fri 19 May 2006, 12:10 lepetitmartien DAW = Digital Audio Workstation (in clear; your co... Fri 19 May 2006, 14:02 rickenbacker Yeah, and you can usually then change the sound so... Fri 19 May 2006, 22:40 kevinr If it's a standard midi file (NOT a Logic/Cuba... Sat 20 May 2006, 08:53 jrjnsn Sorry for the lack of clarity. Maybe it will be u... Mon 22 May 2006, 15:24 gdoubleyou Once you have the midi file, open Garage Band, dra... Mon 22 May 2006, 19:10
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