Normalize Gain??, How do I get all tracks the same volume? |
Fri 28 Apr 2006, 05:28

Group: Members
Posts: 12
Joined: 09-Jan 03
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Now some of you are probably saying.. duh.. its simple.. get this...! Get what?
I tried to do it in Jam 6. It has a normalize function that...
Wait... allow me to tell you what I'm doing. A friend of mine was doing a show. She was using her audio cd (aiff) of her music and some karaoke tracks. The levels were all over the place. One hot, one not, one warm, blah blah.
The day before her show.. (can you believe this) she gives me the cd and says ... can you fix this? I need them all to be the same level. I said .. um..er.. uh... sure. Hopped on Jam 6 and promptly failed to get it right. Beside the fact that the levels didn't seem to be even from one song to the next, someone actually said the highs were also compressed (read; bad). She ended up putting the songs on minidisc and the show went poorly.
Now somebody else is asking me to boost their track, obviously unaware that it didn't work the last time, and here I am...asking you.. the all knowing macmusic forum for answers.
What need I do, use, fix and/or correct? Help help help er.. um .. help please.
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