Itunes Recognize External Aif Files?, See title |
Tue 28 Mar 2006, 20:37
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 28-Mar 06
From: Urbana - US
Member No.: 78,708
I have a collection of AIF files exported to iTunes from Garage Band, but I also want to edit them using ClickRepair or some other noise-reduction software; also, I might want to do my recording directly in a third-party application, and avoid Garage Band altogether. The trouble is, I can't figure out how to get iTunes to recognize any AIF files generated by software other than Garage Band. My Mac experience stopped at system 6, and I don't know anything about file structures, but it seems that the necessary information must be contained in a resource fork, or some similar device. Where can I get detailed information on file structures?
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